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By Nathan Tech!

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gadgets help: Belts

Belts on Cosmic Rage are slightly more complicated because the commands have similar syntaxes. There are several things you can put on your belt, as shown below:
Holsters: for storing weapons.
Sheaths: for storing weapons.
Keyrings: for storing keys.
radios: Store your radio on your belt if you do not want to carry it around.
Battery repair kits: for when you need to repair your starship.
clip to : clip a holster, radio, sheath, device or keyring to your belt.
attach to : clip a battery repair kit to your belt.
detach from : get a battery repair kit from your belt.
unclip from : unclip a holster, sheath, keyring, radio or other device from your belt.
You can buy clips from any communication store by purchasing a strap, then choosing the appropriate option for clips. They can be added to most devices. The only acception to this is the phones, which have to be put in a case first before the case can be clipped to the belt. Cases and radios themselves do not need clips.
Recommended help files: help clothing,help armou.
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