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We value your story.

Every time you roleplay on Cosmic Rage, we give you a reward based on your emote, who you're with, where you are and any many other factors.
This is so that those who enjoy telling a story don't have to worry about point progression and instead can focus on fleshing out their character and influencing the worlds around them.
As part of this we have a roleplay leaderboard.
We're proud of our players, and we want them to brag!
The roleplay leaderboard gets refreshed each week and you can find below those who are currently at the top!

the board!

The Current top-ten RP Leaderboard:

In first place, Melleh Darcie.
In second place, A tiger named Landric.
In third place, Jasmine Florens.
In fourth place, Zane Castle.
In fifth place, Safira Atira.
In sixth place, Megara Jade Green Scale.
In seventh place, A humanoid female named Holly.
In eighth place, Sebastian Bale.
In ninth place, Marie Gold Designation.
In tenth place, A humanoid male named Cade.

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Last updated Tuesday 25th February 2025 06:28:45
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