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By Nathan Tech!

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ships help: transferring items

Much like the cargo command, the transfer command on ships is a very cosmic command.
First, before all that, there are a number of things to make note of:
1. Each planet will pay out different amounts for minerals, acids, and gas. The more they have been given, the less they will pay out. So try and find areas you think people are less likely to go for.
2. Debris prices per planet also fluctuate during the week from planet to planet.
Unlike with minerals, gases, and acids, where you have to guess, with debris prices there is a table available on your info computer.
3. Each planet has a different transfer speed. So for example, Star command, which is a very technological station, will have a higher speed than Kaldara, for example, which is not as technological in nature.
4. Each planet may have different types of transfer drones. At the moment, only a few are different and the rest are quite generic, however, we hope that in time, and through your feedback and suggestions, we can change this for a more cosmic Experience.
5. Finally, if you are in the middle of a transfer, you can leave the cargo bay by typing exit, and, can look at the transfer drones to see what they look like from the landing pad.
Alright! Now that fun stuff is out of the way, lets talk about the transfer command.
There are three ways of working with this command:
1. transfer. Just typing transfer will transfer everything you have in your cargo holds and it will transfer every single bay.
This includes star core chunks.
2. Transfer menu: this allows you to configure what things get transfered in a menu-based interface.
3. transfer : this allows you to select what you transfer, explanation below:
Type transfer followed by a number, to only transfer that bay. For example: transfer 1, will transfer everything from cargo bay 1, but nothing else.
Type transfer , to transfer only that element for example, cargo gold. Or, cargo minerals.
You can combine these options like this: Transfer 1 debris. This will transfer only debris and only from bay 1. Or: transfer 2 debris 3 gold. This will transfer only gold from bay 2, and only debris from bay 1.
You can also specify ranges of bays. So if you wanted to transfer debris, but only from bays 1 to five, it would be: transfer 1:5 debris. If you wanted to transfer everything but only from bays one to five, the command would be transffer 1:5.
All of the above can also be combined.
When refering to elements that have more than a single word, like liquid nitrogen, put a dash where the space should be. So liquid nitrogen becomes liquid-nitrogen.
You can see how long, roughly, is left on this transfer by typing transfer again.
Important note: Star cores is an exception to the two word rule listed above.
If you want to transfer only star cores, or star cores and something else, type transfer star cores .
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