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By Nathan Tech!

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ships help: strategies for gunning

There are many strategies one can use to blow an enemy up, but here are one or two we think you may find helpful.
Dog fighting:
This is a faster based combat, where two ships move quickly around each other, firing short bursts of laser fire in order to cause maximum damage.
This technique is usually done by fighter crafts, as it enables them to evade the heavy warhead fire of warships and cruisers, while also enabling them to outpace the lumbering ship as it tries to maneuver around them.
A good technique for this is:
Do not fire until the enemy has moved.
Once the tracker announces that the enemy has moved, hit it.
2. Warheads verses fighters. A warhead will never hit a fighter. the fighter is just too clever. the quicker you, as a gunner, accept that, the quicker you will start getting kills.
3. If a ship is moving too fast, try targetting its engines. Once an enemies engines are out, it will not repair them, and it will cause the ship to stop moving.
More will be added as time goes by.
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