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By Nathan Tech!

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ships help: getting started with a ship

Buying your first ship on Cosmic Rage should be as easy and painless as humanely, or dragonly, possible.
First of all you need to find a ship.
Ships are sold in several different places, but there should be at least one store on your home planet or space station.
Once at a ship shop, type list to bring up a list of ships for sale. To get more information on a ship including it's possible uses, what it looks like from the outside and to check it's status, type shipinfo then the number. So shipinfo 10, to get information about the tenth ship on the list.
When buying, if your home planet is actually a space station, your ship will be placed in the hangars.
When you have reached your ship, you may have to unlock and open it.
Type unlock to unlock your ship.
Type open to open it.
You should now board your ship, either by typing just board, or by typing board .
The most essential thing you must do upon boarding is to power up your ship.
To do this, type power.
One of several things can happen.
1: Your ship is out of charge. Type recharge.
2. Your ship's battery is damaged. You will need a battery repair kit for this.
3. Your ship powers up successfully.
If your ship is in a garage, it will automatically move you to a landing pad.
If your ship is in a hangar, you will need to type transport to get it to an access tube.
Here is where planets and space stations divert.
If you are unsure of what a planet or a space station is, type help glossary, now.
For a planet:
1. Before launching from a planet, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you can get through the atmosphere. Type atmosphere from inside the ship.
2. Raise your heat shields to the correct Rank to get through said atmosphere. Type heat-s on, and enter the number. To successfully get through an atmosphere, you will need to raise your heat shields to 100 times its class. So for a class 3 atmosphere, you will need to put your heat shields to at least 300. Be careful! Heat shields take from your charge directly! do not over power them!
3. Sometimes, you may want to check that the sector above you is clear of enemies. To do this, type invaded, or invaded mapper.
4. Type launch! When all good and ready, type launch and away you go!


For space stations:
Space stations are a lot easier to handle. All you must do for a space station is type undock.
This will begin your ship's automatic undocking process.


To land on, or dock on, an object.
1. For landing:
Scan the planet. You can do this with the scan command.
set up your heat shields by looking on the info of the planet for its atmosphere rating, see above.
orbit the planet, see help orbiting
land, type land.
2. For space stations, simply type dock.
Where to go from here:
Next, you'll want to read shelp finding and moving to objects.


You will require starship movement to fly a ship, so make sure you have it!
Common things to see:
1. The hum of the engines come to an abrupt halt and the lights flicker to emergency Rank as the ships power goes offline. This means your ship is out of charge.
2. You can not launch from here. Perhaps you are in a garage? Try Transport.
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