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ships help: control room weapons

Pilots, while you fly around, what can you do?
Quite a bit actually. Pilots have access to all the fancy weapons, as well as the default gunner's ones.
Here are the fancy weapons:
Plasma cannon. Type p-cannon to fire this weapon, for example: p-cannon fore. This is a slow firing weapon which brings down your obfiscation field neatly, however when it does fire it fires a concentrated ball of plasma straight out in a given direction, vaporising anything that gets in the way. This weapon can be extremely destructive against smaller and medium class ships, though larger ships may be able to turn it aside. Plasma, due to being so potent, can neatly bypass defenses and strikes directly at a ship's mainframe.
Railgun. Type: railgun . This is an extremely potent weapon but one with a very specific usage case. The railgun will fire a ball of tritanium in a direction. The ball will travel 20 units before it explodes in a wave of shrapnel in all directions. This explosion radius can be deadly, even for the toughest of ships.
EMP: Type: emp . Even the toughest military ships must be aware of the EMP, while it has only a short range, 10 units, this short sharp electrical burst can neatly disable the shields of any ship it hits.
lightning lasers: Fire this using ll . This laser comes in the form of electricity set to ark from ship to ship. It has a short range of only 1 unit, but is useful for if you are surrounded. For every 50 units of charge you put into it, it will ark to another ship. Be careful! the lightning laser could ark back and hit your ship, too! Example: ll 350, meaning there will be 7 arks. If there were 3 ships, it might go: ship 1, ship 2, your ship, ship 1, ship 3, ship 2, ship 1.
Space mines: Type: mine to deploy a mine. Requires a license from the SDL. This will launch a mine at your location full of nano technology able to detect the composition of a nearby hull. It uses this technology to be able to avoid allied ships, but if an enemy draws too close it will explode violently, dealing damage in a small radius around itself. Deadly against smaller and medium ships, larger ships will find this nothing but a pest.
To reload your railgun, type reload.
To recharge your plasma canon, use the r-c command, noting the dash.
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