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By Nathan Tech!

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ships help: cargo tanks

What are cargo tanks?

Cargo tanks are basically, storage containers.
They allow you to store a set amount of minerals at any time.

How do cargo tanks work?

1. using a tugship, take your tank out into uncharted space, close to a field.
2. Slideout your tank, and then take your tugship back.
3. Get your harvester and start harvesting.
4. When your harvester is full, take it to the tank and unload it. Repeat.
5. Go get the tugship and take the tank back to a factory or landing pad.
You can use cargo tanks to either donate minerals towards your Origin Goals, useful in group projects, or you can transfer them to your factory for use in blueprints and the like.
London on Mars will buy cargo tanks, if you need to get rid of them.

Tank room commands

board: board a docked ship.
s2s: Teleport back to your ship from the tank
transfer: transfer your goods.
return: return the tank to its linked tug ship
slideout: slide the tank out of its docking bay
link: link the tank with a ship
exit: leave the tank
cargo: check your cargo amounts.

in ship commands

teleport: From a teleportation room or the control room if you don't have one, teleport to your tank
From a cargo bay, typing exit will board the docked tank.
Tankdock will dock you to the tank.
Undock will undock you.

Misc Commands

lp : if you have just bought your tank, you will want to drop it and type this to move it to a landing pad.
tenter tank: enter your tank.
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