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By Nathan Tech!

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ships help: blades

Blades are a starship weapon that are available from between 330 and 1200 ranks.
they are short, very toughened, pieces of metal or energy which project out from your ship in order to slice into the hulls of nearby ships.
Normal blades are metal, while higher blades are energy.
Normal blades are weeker, and also damages your hull or defensive armor
Energy blades are a lot more stronger, however due to the heat generated, it also damages other components of your ship.
Unlike other weapons, blades require you to be using autopilot, as they require constant movement to hit a target.
It is worth upgrading the blade's length, as it means you will hit more ships.
Energy blades require warp, while normal blades require only speed.
Be aware that both types can and will hit allies, including your combat drones!
Blades deal out small amounts of damage, but are particularly useful against smaller ships.
Warp blades and normal blades will not work at the same time, only the dominant blades will work.
There is no limit to how fast you can go with blades, and sometimes the faster you go the better, as the drag of the blades hitting other ships will slow you down.
From the control room:
blades: Enable normal blades
hblades: Enable energy blades
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