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By Nathan Tech!

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ships help: Specialist Mission Alpha6

Mission Name; the old base mission
Mission Objective: The Vacus are paying far too much attention to one of their old bases. go find out what is going on.
Mission details:
The SDL have seen a massive fleet hanging around an abandond base of the Vacus.
Objective 1 is to clear out the fleet.
Once done, land on the base and start fighting and running.
You are looking for a room called underwater river.
In this room will be an atmosphere generator, that you must fix.
Providing you do this successfully, your next step is to clear out the base, and find a bucket.
Get the bucket.
Do not bKick the bucket. It's imbarrassing.
Go back to the river, and fill up your bucket.
Use this to fill the funnel on the landing pad.
Prepare to get swarmed!
This will start up a flow of enemies, who are alerted that there is someone who should not be on the base around.
They will do their best to kill you.
this being done, you must then search for a launching beacon.
when you find this, your last objective is to destroy it.
Once done, launch from the base, and watch as it explodes.
You have a limited time to fix the generator.
When on the base, you will find a lot of artifacts which you can take with you for extra reward!
Important note: To do specialist missions, you will need the High Missions Licence skill.
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