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ships help: Specialist Mission Alpha4

the Kaltz Baurgan are, above all else, a race of very greedy people.
they gather resources, hoard ships, and will break down or capture anything if they think they can sell even a small part of it to make a profit.
Unfortunately, as is commonly known, this lead to several disputes in which the Kaltz took advantage of the humans in several unpleasant meetings, and cheated the allied Economy out of trillions of credits and raw materials.
War, unfortunately, was soon to follow.
To this day the Kaltz continue to plunder space and land for anything they can get their greedy paws on.
In this mission, it is your job to raid one of their transportation stations and disrupt their route.
*** Important notice: this is a group mission. Any less than 3 will not succeed. Any less than 5 is unlikely to succeed. the higher numbers you have, the better off you will be, and the more reward you will get. ***
Fly into the mission, get rid of the guard, and plunder the base.
Information about the base:
You will need a small craft, like a research craft, to land as they have extremely small landing points.
Upon exiting your craft, you are greeted with an alarm box. You have 60 seconds to disable this box from when the first person enters the pad.
Do this by yanking out the cables. One person per cable, and there are three cables.
If you succeed, the box will self destruct to prevent tampering.
If you do not, the alarm will go off, see below.
the base is made up of three sections:
1. The outer ring.
2. the inner ring.
3. The center, containing an observation dome, and a storage chamber.
To be rewarded, all players must go to the storage chamber and type raid.
In the outer ring are 4 guards, and in the inner ring are 2 guards. If they see you, the alarm will go off.
Each room, excluding the landing point, storage chamber, and observation dome plus one room of the inner ring, have all got traps in them of some kind.
The traps are thus:
1. Lasers that will trap you in a room using electrical pulses.
2. A ball and chain that will knock you flying.
3. A pit of spikes.
4. A gust of air that will throw you into another room.
If someone falls into a pit, you'll need a dragon to head into the room and type swoop.
Traps can be solved in a few ways.
First: From the observation dome, the trap of one room can be swapped with another.
1. Pits can be flown over by dragons and mutariansi. Dragons can take riders across.
2. pauagiwa can duck under the ball and chain, and then disconnect it from inside.
3. Cy-larkan can deactivate the lasers from one room over.
4. Humans can jump the air gusts and disable it from the room.
Note: Other races can do things too! For example, humans have a chance to duck under the arm, ryuchi can jump on the ball using superior reflexes. Try things out, you won't die!
How do you know what trap is in what room?
You do this by using your senses of sniff, listen, and feel.
Some races will be more sensative to certain things than others, for example:
A dragon or mutariansi will sneeze if they smell poison spikes.
You can feel the air gust from nearby rooms if they have the gust trap.
Mutariansi may be able to feel energy thrumming under their feet. Cy-larkan may also be able to detect it.
All rooms have a trap of some kind or another and for one trap, the ball and chain, you simply have to exclude all the others to know what it is.
When the alarm goes off:
If the alarm goes off the following things occur:
1. One person is kidnapped and put in the storage chamber. This person can go up into the observation dome, but is otherwise stuck.
2. A second person is kidnapped and put in the inner ring.
3. A Baurgan will deploy to each of the other rooms where there are players.
How to get from the outer ring to the inner ring:
In the outer ring are four towers, at the top of which are 4 conference rooms. In these are tables on which are papers with codes on. Get these as you will need them later.
If you have set off the alarm, which is likely, the person in the observation room can tell you where the hatch is.
If not, you will need to type shimmy in each room until you find it.
Pauagiwa and Mutariansi cats can shimmy into holes to open the hatches. No one else can.
Once the hatch is open, it is open perminantly.
How to get from the inner ring to the dome:
Similar to the above, but this time, it is open instead of shimmy.
The observation dome can again tell you where the hatch is.
One of the codes, and only one, will work to open the hatch, so make sure you have all of them to try.
Once in the dome, you can raid the storage chamber and destroy the base.
Notes on destruction:
The time you have to get back to your ship is random between 5 and 10 minutes. Due to this being an alien base, the countdown is, of course, not in a language you would recognise.
From the format, you may be able to pick out what some words mean, and if you run enough missions, you will get to learn the countdown.
Small rewards:
Scattered around the base are small rewards for you to get.
You will see a message like this:
You feel a loose panel under your foot.
Simply type shimmy to get the reward.
Full list of commands:
yank : Will yank out the specified colour cable from the box.
l : Look at the alarm box to find out what cables there are.
From anywhere on the base:
sniff: sniff the exits.
listen: listen to the exits
feel: stand still and feel around.
Disconnect: for Pauagiwa and humans, disables the trap in the room they are in.
Connect: For Cy-larkan, disables the traps in the surrounding rooms.
open: Open the door from the inner ring to the dome.
shimmy: Will allow you to get a reward if there is a hidden panel in the room that you see, or, will allow you to crawl into a hole where you can type open to open the hatch from the outer ring to the inner ring.
From the dome:
destruct: Start the timer and blow up the base.
details: View a detailed description of the base, including the placement of hatches.
survey: Look for where people are, shown as blips.
swap: Swap one room's trap with another room's trap.
You will not see which trap is which, and will rely on your fellow companions and your memory, to keep track of what is where.
From the cargo chamber:
raid: Claim your personal reward.
This mission produces high amounts of cargo barrels. the more players, the higher the reward.
We highly recommend the squad command for this activity.
Important note: To do specialist missions, you will need the High Missions Licence skill.
Recommended help file: help ground combat
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