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ships help: Space or Nautical directions


Navigating space involves understanding various directions, commonly known as nautical directions. This help file will help you familiarise yourself with these directions so you can easily navigate your starship.
Your starship is always oriented with the fore facing north by default. This makes things straightforward: fore will always be forward, and aft will always be backward. Feel free to roleplay as you like, but remember that the starship's direction remains fixed.

Nautical Directions:

Nautical directions are terms used to describe where a ship or starship is facing or moving. These terms help navigate and communicate positions in maritime and space settings.
Fore: means forward. Abbreviated as F.
Starboard: means right. Abbreviated as S.
Aft: means backward. Abbreviated as A.
Port: means left. Abbreviated as P.
Diagonal Directions:
Starboard Fore: means right and forward. Abbreviated as SF.
Starboard Aft: means right and backward. Abbreviated as SA.
Port Aft: means left and backward. Abbreviated as PA.
Port Fore: means left and forward. Abbreviated as PF.
Vertical Directions:
Neutral: used when you and your target are on the same level. Abbreviated as N.
Down: used when your target is below you. Abbreviated as D.
Up: used when your target is above you. Abbreviated as U.

Nautical vs Cardinal Directions:

Cardinal directions are the main points on a compass used for navigation. They include north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest. These directions are used to describe locations and movements. For example, north is directly ahead, east is to the right, south is behind, and west is to the left.
Nautical terms that correspond to these cardinal directions are:
Fore: Denotes north. Abbreviated as F.
Starboard: Denotes east. Abbreviated as S.
Aft: Denotes south. Abbreviated as A.
Port: Denotes west. Abbreviated as P.
Diagonal Directions:
Starboard Fore: Denotes northeast. Abbreviated as SF.
Starboard Aft: Denotes southeast. Abbreviated as SA.
Port Aft: Denotes southwest. Abbreviated as PA.
Port Fore: Denotes northwest. Abbreviated as PF.

Nautical VS Clockwise Directions:

Imagine a clock face with twelve hour markings. In this ripresentation, each direction corresponds to a specific hour on the clock. This makes it easier to visualise the directions if one is familiar with how clock faces look.
Fore: is at 12 o'clock.
Starboard: is at 3 o'clock.
Aft: is at 6 o'clock.
Port: is at 9 o'clock.
Diagonal Clockwise Directions:
Starboard Fore: is at 2 o'clock.
Starboard Aft: is at 5 o'clock.
Port Aft: is at 8 o'clock.
Port Fore: is at 11 o'clock.

Nautical vs Degrees-Based Directions:

Degrees-based directions use the 360-degree circle of a compass to specify orientation. In this system, the circle is divided into 360 degrees, with each degree representing a specific direction. For instance, north is at 0 degrees, east is at 90 degrees, south is at 180 degrees, and west is at 270 degrees.
Fore: is at 0 degrees.
Starboard: is at 90 degrees.
Aft: is at 180 degrees.
Port: is at 270 degrees.
Diagonal Degrees-Based Directions:
Starboard Fore: is at 45 degrees.
Starboard Aft: is at 135 degrees.
Port Aft: is at 225 degrees.
Port Fore: is at 315 degrees.


I hope this file makes it easier to understand space directions. Enjoy your journey!
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