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ships help: On-board Teleportation Rooms


Throughout the ages, one of the most prominent enemies of progress, productivity, and fellow feeling has been distance. IN order to conquer this, civilization has engineered many ways to get from way over there to right here, and the on-board teleportation room is no different. In the latest leap of technology, new blueprints and mechanisms have been released which have upgraded the capabilities of teleportation to and from space-fairing vessels.

How it works

Whether beaming to or from a vessel, the same principles apply.
1. The user selects a location at the same coordinates as the ship and locks the targeting scanners onto them.
2. An annular confinement beam is generated by the teleportation systems which will carry the teleporting person safely through space.
2A. If beaming to a planet, space station, or space-born object, the beam locks onto teleportation units, highly-visible sources of energy, or similar to provide a destination for the passenger.
2B. If beaming someone into your ship, the targeting scanners lock onto a boosted communicator signal, though it is possible to piggy-back off of existing teleportation platforms as well.
3. The annular confinement beam surrounds the passenger and dematerializes them, much like a standard teleportation platform on a station might, but their information isn't sent through a network but instead transferred via the beam to or from the vessel where they are recreated at the other end.
This information is here for those wishing to roleplay understanding how the devices work and why they're different from the teleportation units you might use on a factory or space station.

How do they work ... OOCly?

We're glad you asked. In order to teleport:
*Your ship must be powered on.
*Your teleportation room must be online. You can toggle this with the toggle command, though you must either own the ship or be authorized to it.
*You must be in space. You can be docked and still teleport.
*Your ship must be at the same coordinates as your target.
*Your obfuscation field and shields must be down, and so must your target's where applicable.
*You must have permission to teleport there ordinarily, such as where factories are concerned.
If you are trying to beam someone to your ship, the previous rules apply, plus:
*They must boost their communicator with the boost command. It will remain boosted for 30 seconds at which time it will automatically return to normal mode.
*or they must be standing in a teleportation bay or in another teleportation room in another ship, and their communicator must be on.
*They should make sure they are not in a vehicle or landed ship, as the teleportation beam cannot reach deeper than the rooms of the planet or space station itself.

Troubleshooting your teleporter

If it appears as if there are no teleportable locations at your current coordinates but you know there is something there that you should be able to beam to or from, make sure all of the statements from the previous section are true.
If you're shooting trouble such as someone trying to beam you out against your will, you can simply move out of the room and or turn off your communicator for a few moments so their ship loses its lock on you. Fear not though. If that person doesn't have access to your factory, then they should not be able to reach you with the beam as the teleporter will not allow them to even pick your location as a valid target.

Extra bells and whistles

It is possible to password-protect a teleportation room with the pass code command, though you must be authorized to the ship in order to change it.
You may also boost the annular confinement beam which has a few affects.
1. If attempting to beam to or from a ship with shields up, will allow you to punch through shields of up to 75000.
2. If thunder storms are preventing landing, you will need to boost the beam to the maximum in order to safely traverse the interference.
3. The higher the beam is boosted, the faster a person you are attempting to beam up to your ship will arrive.
Please note that using the teleportation room on boosted power will naturally drain more charge from your ship at a rate of about fifteen minutes per level that you boost it.

Danger, Must Know!

Did you say this drains power? Yes, I did! When at its normal settings, each teleportation will burn about 15 minutes of charge per use, adding the same amount for each level of boosting (up to five) which you apply. Once you either successfully or unsuccessfully teleport, the boosted settings will reset themselves.
You are able to teleport entire groups at a time, as long as they are following you when you get moved.
If you have a teleportation room aboard your ship, you will no longer be able to use the teleport command in control rooms as the teleportation facilities consume most of the ship's resources. IC, the teleport command in control rooms uses a less sophisticated annular confinement beam which isn't as modifyable as that of the teleporter rooms, though it will get the job done pretty well.
The ship to ship designator modules can still be effective for you. When you install them in a room, it adds a destination option for when you are attempting to teleport to your ship either from a landing pad with the teleport command or using ship to ship teleportation.
It is possible to add teleportation rooms to custom-built ships no matter how many rooms your ship has, though the upgrade available from various stores requires you to have 20 or more rooms on your ship for IC reasons.
Whether purchasing the upgrade or building your ship, you may not have more than four teleportation rooms on one ship.


On communicators:
boost : Boosts your communicator to allow you to be beamed away from your current location.
In Teleportation rooms:
toggle: Toggles the power to the teleportation room.
passcode: Allows you to set a pass code for that teleportation room
boost: Boosts the power to the next teleportation performed by this room. Type it again while boosted to reset it.
beam-out: Allows you to select a place, and then a person to beam into this room.
tele*port : Allows you to teleport off of the ship. You can attempt to match specifically to a valid location. teleport star command, for example.
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