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Welcome to: Cosmic rage!
By Nathan Tech!
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ships help: Missions
For those who are into combat, Cosmic Rage has many many space combat missions to tickle your taste buds.They range in difficulty, from easy to hard, and more often than not include the Vacus.
What do I need?
A ship for one.
How do I get a mission?
1. Take your ship to Tera Base in sector 6.
2. Explore around, typing VIEW in each debriefing booth to get the mission's contents.
3. Type assign to put the mission to your ship.
4. Find the mission jump ship. You can ask on the missions or movement channel for the jumpship's location. Simply say, Jumpship, state your location.
5. Once at the jumpship's location, type MISJUMP or MJ to contact the ship and get sent through the jumpgate.
6. Blast away!
7. When done, type jump to get back to local space and collect your ships reward!
- Additional notes: ---
To abort the mission, land your ship, exit it, and type "abort-missionTo participate in missions, one has to be at least rank 40
Specialist missions:
Often time, some missions are what is known as specialist missions.
These missions will require you to do more than one thing.
Mission details will often be given somewhere in the room, either in the description or on a sign.
Can I solo missions?
You definitely can, though bare in mind it will be a bit harder.
You can either not have an engineering room, and choose to repair components using battle stations after a mission, or have an engineering room installed right next to your control room and do what is commonly known as multirooming.
The beauty of our combat system is, aside from component repairs, it is very anti-roundtime. No weapons have roundtime, at all.
Can I join other people in missions?
You certainly can. Obviously there's the standard way of joining a mission by being a part of the crew, however there is also a second way.
1. First a ship must get a mission assigned through the steps above.
2. To add another ship to the mission, make sure both the original and the joining ship are in a hangar, garage or landing pad.
3. Type join-mission second ship with original ship.
4. Both ships can then jump to where the jumpship is and start the jump as normal.
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