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By Nathan Tech!

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ships help: Making rocket fuel to power your thrusters

Subatomic jumps and gravity jumps are perfect for those long jumps where you need to get somewhere exceedingly fast, like out of the way of that enemy fleet who just jumped out of warp space guns firing.
Sometimes though, you're okay to be flying on automatic pilot and instead your trouble is turning.
Larger ships mean longer turning times but never fear. Rocket thrusters will help you get to your destination just that bit faster.
Thrusters require rocket fuel to power them.
How to get rocket fuel:
First, you must have both oxygen and nitrogen in your ship's cargo bay. See Ahelp nebula harvesting for more information.
Next, in your cargo bay, type rocket-fuel and your ship will extract all of the gases needed and convert it to rocket fuel.
In the cargo bay;
Rocket-fuel: Convert oxygen and nitrogen into rocket fuel.
In the control room:
thrusters: use the thrusters on your ship's hull to shove the ship around closer to the desired angle.
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