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By Nathan Tech!

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ships help: In Ship Voice Commands

You can use voice control to control your ship in a lot of actions.
To toggle voice control, type voice in your ships control room.
The syntax to control the ship is:
say computer,
It should be noted it is very sensitive at the moment, so if you have a green info computer, and take it off, the computer can pick up on this. We recommend you change your computers name by typing computername.
Find below a list of actions and what they do:
Red: turn the ship to red alert
charge: Tells you the charge of your ship
"holovid: Activates the holovid generator
"Def: Activates the defenses
Yellow: turn the ship to yellow alert
Green: turn the ship to green alert
power or power cycle: turn your ships power on or off
launch: launch your ship
land: land your ship
close: if you have the close all upgrade, will close all your airlocks
damage: show the damage of your ship
heat shields: turn the heat shields on
storage: check the storage bays
hello: greet your computer
course x y z: set a course
date: check the date
time: check the time
good night: put the computer to sleep
Start timer: Starts the timer
Stop timer: stops the timer.
how are you? Ask the computer how it is.
happy birthday: Wish the computer happy birthday.
how do I look?: Get a confidence booster.
plan : Make a planetary jump.
eta: check your ETA
Grav: Get the computer to move the ship into or out of a gravity well.
"suba: activates the subatomic drive
undock: undocks your ship
You can also type computername to set a custom name for your computer.
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