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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: getting involved in cosmic rage's story

the biggest thing Cosmic Rage Hosts always go on about is players making the story.
The one thing we allow, which a lot of other games don't, is for players to form the story line for the game.
If players lose a fight, we document it. If they reclaim, and/or discover, a new planet, it gets added to the timeline.
The most recent big changes, i.e, livable earth cities, the reclaiming of the Museum in sector 3 and the discovery of the Mutariansi race, were all done because players got involved.
So, you wonder, how can I get involved?
1. Organisations. Cosmic Rage has 4 main organisations currently:
MI: The mobile infantry, for ground offense and defense.
SDL: Space defense League, for space offense and defense.
JAG: the judge advocate generals, for matters of law.
GMC, The Galactic Medical Corps: For matters of healing and DNA investigation
More information can be found about those on your informational computers.
2. Clans, form up a clan with a few friends, and try out our clan competitions!
3. Rp. The biggest, and most obvious, changes are always through RP. Perhaps you want to discover the bones of a lost set of ancestors on Sahariana. Perhaps there is a war you don't like that you want to see ended. Put in the RP, and a support ticket with your idea, and the hosts will make the magic happen!
4. News articles. As well as hosts writing the news, players can also, by going to the news agents on Business Central, write their own news articles for submission!
This is a rather short list, one that will undoubtedly grow as players suggest, or we implement, more ways for players to get involved with the CR timeline, but these are a few that'll get you started on your path!
Recommended help files: help getting started,help event.
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