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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: aircraft missions

One of the ways of combat that we have on Cosmic Rage are our aircrafts.
Mission backstory:
You will be set various mission objectives using your aircraft, such as strafing runs on enemy positions or taking out enemy fighters to achieve air superiority.
You will be taken, by carrier, to the planet, and then flown back out when your mission is complete.
What to do:
1. Take your fighter vehicle to Sola Virtus Invicta.
2. Land your vehicle on the platform in the sky then explore until you find the aircraft mission room.
3. Type assign-mission, and select a mission.
4. Load your vehicle onto the carrier and wait to be taken to your destination. Note: The ship will not move until you sit down.
5. Launch the vehicle and take out the air defense.
6. Land the vehicle and reload it onto the carrier, returning to the outpost. Note: Again, the ship will not move unless you sit down.
If your vehicle is lost but you survive, you can enter the ship with the enter command, then sit down to launch it.
7. Claim your reward!
Important notes:
1. To load your ship onto the loading ship, both you, and your aircraft, must be on the same landing pad as your load ship.
2. Sometimes, matching can get in the way. If load does not work, try load my.ship.
load : load your vehicle onto a carrier
assign-mission: assign the mission to your vehicle.
Sample mission:
assign-mission, assigns my mission onto my vehicle.
I load my aircraft into the carrier with the load command.
After we have landed, I take my vehicle and launch, destroying the enemies.
Note: Enemies do not start appearing until you are in the air for 20 seconds.
I destroy the enemies and land, then load my vehicle into the ship with the load command.
I return to the outpost and receive a reward.
Recommended help files: help aircraft.
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