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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: aircrafts

What are air combat vehicles?
Sometimes, space is just not enough.
Enemy troops have to infiltrate a planet somehow and more often than not their preferred attack is either by teleporting down, or using air vehicles.
AS you know, teleportation devices can only be stopped by using shielding.
Aircrafts, however, require a much more direct approach.
This is where an air vehicle comes in.
Much like the old Earth style of aircrafts, these powerful little aircrafts can pack quite a punch and have three types of weapons:
1. Lasers: capable of shooting at other air targets.
2. Air to air missiles: capable of heat seeking ranged attacks against other aircrafts over long distances.
3. Ground missiles: Capable of breaking the defense of an enemy by bombarding them from the sky.
Some aircrafts are fitted with combo missiles, which are air to air and air to ground missiles.
Where do I obtain an aircraft?
You will need to inquire in character, or check your info computer.
You can reload the missiles of an aircraft at the same store as you bought them, by typing reload .
How do I fly an aircraft:
Note: the below instructions do not apply to pollution collectors, or MI helicopters.
there are three types of flying mode for our aircrafts.
Autopilot is where the aircraft will handle directions, and all you have to do is set the speed. you access autopilot with the autopilot command. this is useful for when you want to get back to your landing pad or to a specific room. simply launch, type autopilot followed by the name of a room, and fly away by increasing your speed.You can also use autopilot to fly in a direction constantly, this is useful when doing escort missions, for example, the escort will inform you that it is changing to flying south, so you could type autopilot south.
In escort missions, if you keep pace with the aircraft, that is to say if you quickly set your direction to mirror the escorts, and then activate your engines, the computer will guide you to keep at a constant distance providing both escort and you keep on the same path.
Manual mode is where you are in control of which way the aircraft flies. Your aircraft, providing your speed is not 0 and thus hovering, will always fly in a straight line in a single direction. You change that direction by pulling the nose either to the right or to the left. when you type left or right, the aircraft will begin to announce compass directions. Type right to straighten up once you have reached the desired direction.
For example, if you wanted to fly straight south, you would type right, or left and then wait. the computer would say north, northeast, east, southeast, south. when it reaches south, type the opposite of what you typed earlier. so if you typed left earlier, type right to straighten up and likewise if you typed right earlier, now you'd type left.
We understand it's not easy to time it just right, so once you have straightened up, if you got it close enough, you can type a standard compass direction to instruct the aircraft to fly directly at the specified angle. For example, using our example above where we want to fly south, after the computer announces south and we straighten up, chances are we were half a second late, so the aircraft is flying south but also very very slightly west. we can correct this by typing south to make the aircraft fly just south.
Attack mode: Attack mode is where your aircraft's computer handles the flying. the way this works is you track a target, and the aircraft will then attempt to fly towards that target, past it, turn around, and come bak again. during this time the computer will announce to you how far the enemy is away from you. If the computer announces locked in front of the unit, for instance: Locked150. this tells you that the enemy is straight ahead of you. If the aircraft says in range, locked then the distance, this tells you that you can open fire on the enemy with your machine gun. Machine guns require the enemy to be within 50 units of you and locked. missiles do not have a distance limit, they simply require the enemy to be locked on.
If you are attacking a ground target,the attack mode will automatically go into a strafing run.
If you are attacking an air target, the computer will fly, all you have to do is shoot.
Note: sometimes, the directions may appear a little strange! Bare in mind your aircraft has a limit on how fast it can turn, and the enemies may be moving on a patrol pattern, too!
How do I speed up and slow down?
to increase your speed, type joy b, for joystick back.
To slow down, type joy f, or joystick forward.
These commands can also be shortened to joyb and joyf, respectively.
How do I fly straight up or down?
to do this, you will want to fly in a spiral. type left or right so that your aircraft starts flying around in a circle, then type up or down. this will send your aircraft into an upward or downward spiral.
At any time, type neutral and your aircraft will stop ascending/descending and will also stop turning.
Find below a full list of commands for the aircrafts:
You can also look at help vehicle commands, for a list of vehicle commands:
Note: Pollution vehicles use compass directions, rather than the flying method described below.
autopilot argument: list, view a list of destinations, nearest, see the nearest possible outside room, stop: stop flying, enemy to fly near to a random enemy, or the name of a room to fly to that room.
chaff: Launch chaff to try and confuse anti-air missiles fired from enemy tanks. Chaff will not always launch perfectly so you have a random chance of getting it right!
c*oordinates : See your coordinates.
down : Angle the nose of the aircraft down so you start to fly towards the ground.
F*acing : Find out what direction the aircraft is facing.
joy*stick: Back, Push the nose of the aircraft forward, slowing the aircraft down. Forward: raise the nose of the aircraft to fly faster.
land : Land while hovering above an outside room.
launch: Launch from a room.
left/right: Control in which way the aircraft is turning, for instance, if you are flying north and wish to fly east, you would type right, wait until the computer says "east" then type left to straighten up.
mac*chinegun : Fire the laser machine guns.
mis*sile: Fire a missile at a target. If you are firing at an air target, you must be roughly facing the same direction. If you are firing at a ground target, you have to go on a strafing run. This is where you angle the nose of the aircraft towards the ground and fly at the room. When you are within 50 units on the x and y axis, firing the missile, then pull up on the nose to not hit the ground next to your missile.
neu*tral: Yank your aircraft to fly straight with no ascending or descending.
radar t*arget: Scan for targets.
repeat: Repeat what your radar just said.
speed: See how fast your aircraft is going.
up: Pull up on the nose and begin to ascend.


Rank: `r10+
skills: none yet
race advantages: n/a
Recommended help files: help vehicle command,help aircraft mission.
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