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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: Ground Combat

The combat system on Cosmic Rage aims to be a unique experience.
First, monster combat is done in grids. If there is a monster in the room, you can garantee you'll be fighting in a grid.
In PVP combat, player verses player, the grid appears once someone takes an aggressive action.
Each room is a 5 by 5 grid. Some weapons are able to shoot in the same square as you, or be swung as such, others are able to shoot, or be swung, over multiple squares.
Most race abilities are single square.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the combat system, however, is that we do not have hp, or health points. Instead your character is divided up into body parts.
When you get attacked, the attack will hit one of these body parts. Each part has a certain amount of damage points it can take before it becomes mangled. This can cause a variety of things, from being unable to walk, to being unable to fire a gun, to, in extreme cases, death.
How do I stop things getting mangled?
Combat has what are called assignment points. You gain assignment points when you Rank. Each point can be, as the name suggests, assigned to a limb. this will give it a certain amount of protection from damage.
Mutariansi do not need to assign points as they are automatically spread out each time you reform.
You can also wear armour, more about that later.
You assign points in body training, on the research complex.
There are three types of armour:
1. Light armour, Light armour protects you the least, but increases your ability to dodge.
2. Medium armour: a bit heavier, this armour decreases your ability to dodge, but is nice and secure.
3. Heavy armour: You will not dodge when wearing heavy armour, and will have some roundtime after of about four to six rooms.
Obviously, however, heavier armour protects for more damage rather than light armour.
Mutariansi also have their own type of armour. This armour is formed from bioplasma and drains it when in use. They can activate it by typing marmor on and deactivate it with marmor off. The higher in rank the form is, the more damage the armour protects for.
Each race has a function on Cosmic Rage, listed below:
Dragon: Dragons are your tanks, and long ranged fighters. Breathe hits hard, but takes a long time to recover from. Dragons are your main tanks.
Ryuchi: Ryuchi are weaker than dragons, but have a lot of offensive abilities.
Humans: humans are your backup offense and part healer
Mutariansi: Mutariansi are your main healers, though mutariansi are also lightly offensive
Cy-larkan: Healers.
Combat strategies:
While it is true, that heroism is possible on cosmic Rage, we do have a system that allows for grouped, strategic battles. Squadrens are where players group together into a group, and add each other to a squad in order to combat enemies.
This is particularly useful when defending against turrets, or things that require group interaction.
In squadrens, someone can designate themselves as tank, meaning they will always be hit first.
It is also possible to dive for cover, in order to try to take some downtime to heal wounds and such. You do this with the take-cover, or tkc command. While in cover, you will not be hurt, but your cover could blow up!
To see where a monster is, look at him. Looking at a monster also will show you the one that is closest to you on the grid.
List of commands:
take-cover or tkc: dive for some cover
break cover: bkc lets you come out from cover.
shoot : shoot your weapon at the enemy
swing : swing your weapon at the enemy
mode : For shooting weapons you can change your weapon to multi-shot mode which will do two hits rather than one, but at the cost of slightly less damage and two ammunition used.
draw : draw your weapon from a sheath or a holster clipped to your belt
holster : holster your weapon into a holster clipped to your belt
sheathe : sheathe your weapon into a sheath clipped to your belt
squad: access the squadren interface.
Sqc: A quicker version of squad chat
Health-status or hs: View your health status and armour protection
assign : in a gym on research complex, assign points.
Points: view your assignment points.
medical : request for medical aid, for instance, if your legs are mangled.
Commands which may be useful when attacking a monster:
Each race has a set of commands or, abilities, they may perform without using a weapon when attacking a target:
Commands for humans: headbonk , jab , kick , punch
Commands for ryuchi: bodyslam , bodysmash , brawl , claw , snd , ss , rend
Commands for dragons: bash , bite , claw , rush . For healing someone, the command is dheal
Commands for larkans: rkick , rpunch , stun
For mutariansi, the commands can change depending on the form they're in. To check what abilities a form has, type abilities. For healing, the command is bheal , can be used in all currently available forms.
Note, If you are having trouble hitting your target, you may not be matching to the correct enemy. This can easily occur when fighting multiple enemies on the ground. Try using an attack command that does not match to the first monster in the area. Example, shoot 2.vacus, swing 3.droid. For more information on matching, please see the recommended help file.
Recommended help files: help matching,chelp armour making,help the cy-larkan race,help the dragon race,help the human race,help the mutariansi race,help the ryuchi rac.
You can type enemies to see what mobs are in the room with you.
You may also wish to read help moving in a combat grid.
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