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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: Communication

Communication on cosmic Rage can be done in a series of ways.
In some places, this file will direct you to other places so it can provide better information.
First, we will cover local communication.
Local communication is classed as communication between two people in the same room.
You can use any of the following methods:
say, syntax: say message. Simply makes your character say something.
emote, Syntax: see help emoting. Makes your character do something as part of telling their story in roleplay.
whisper, syntax: whisper : Whispers something to someone in the room.
Direct speech, Syntax: either sayto person message, - person message, or -person message. Speak directly to someone in a room. Use this when talking to NPC's[Non-Player Characters]

In character public channels:
The most important public channel you will encounter in your travels is the origins channel. the origins channel transmits to your citizenship and is a group of like-minded individuals who should help you with your first steps into the world of Cosmic Rage.
Transmit on the origins channel by typing orig and then your message.
All in character channels provide the ability to type their name and then history, such as orig history. you may also type their name, history and then a number, for example, orig history 50.
You can say anything, ask for anything, or express anything, on an origins channel providing it is in character. Origins are also the only channel garanteed to have a Senator paying attention to it.
Other channels include:
chat: this channel is a cross-citizenship channel for general chatter. The staff of the game encourage equal usage of origins and chat.
General: This is for proffessional, business-related talk, public announcements, or military broadcasts.
Missions: This is for recruiting for, or discussing missions.
Intel: A highly important channel for discussing Intelligence.
Movement: Used to enquire about the position of various things, such as battle stations, merchant ships, and the casino. A sample request would look like this: Movement alpha1, state your location.
recruitment: Allows one to crew up for an invasion.
Trade: This channel is for the trading of goods, and is also the channel to attract garries attention. See sHelp garry.
Unsec: the Unsecure channel broadcasts a message to absolutely anyone who cares to listen, including unknown races, enemy races, and the casually passing killer Dulfarite.

person to person communication.
Links can be established in order for people to talk privately to each other if they wish.
For more information, see gHelp radios.

communication out of character:
for information on this, please see help communicating out of character.

And that about sums it up!
If you have any questions in character, always ask on origins first before you try other places, remember that your citizenship is your backup in all situations!
Recommended help files: ghelp radios,help communicating out of character,rphelp Syntactic marku.
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