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general help: Common Commands

Commands on MUDs and MOOs can be very difficult to grasp, especially if you do not know the syntax. I personally hate those games that just expect you to know things, or games that expect you to realise that the way to find out how many stones are in a crystal is by touching it... Right. So, the other hosts and I have compiled this list of common, easy-to-understand, and helpful commands.

Anything enclosed by less-than and greater-than signs (< and >) is to be replaced with an object's name. For example:
In this example, replace with the name of an object:
get banana
get orange

Aliases or short forms:
Some commands are written like this:
l*ook any any any.
What does this mean?
The * symbol indicates that anything after it is optional, so for l*ook, if you typed l, lo, loo or look, they would all produce the same output.
On the other hand, if it said "say"/"ask" or "say"[ask, exclaim], these are aliases that sometimes might cause something slightly different to happen. That all being said, find a list of common and useful commands below. Some of these might be obvious to you, though please do read them as there may be hidden quirks.

Informational commands:
Commands[x, exa, examine] : x rod, shows you a list of possible commands for an object that you can try. An output might look like this:
commands table:
g*et/t*ake table
d*rop/th*row table
bolt table
unbolt table.
This is simply: command, arguments.

l*ook: By itself will show you the room, its description, and the people/objects in it.
l at Watch out! There are several quirks about the look command:
l in l on l on
match : match 5.bell, attempts to match to something. This is to help you with our matching system. On Cosmic Rage, our matching system works so that if you have a gold bell, a silver bell and a bronze bell, if you type l bell, you will always look at a gold bell. However, if you type l 2.bell, you will look at the silver bell. The match command helps you to find out what matches to what!

who or who : Find out who is online.
exits: Find out what exits lead from your current room and where they go.
hu: Check your hunger status.
th: Check your thirst status.
worn, See what you are wearing.
peer , peer east, When in a normal room, if exit is a valid exit, you will look through that exit. If, on the other hand, you are in a vehicle or ship and type peer out you will peer outside.

Movement commands:
: n 5, moves you in a direction or through an exit by the number supplied. N 5 moves you north 5 times. If you type n once, it will move you once.
sit[curl, lie, sprawl], sit bob, This command can be typed with or without arguments. It is your every day standard sit, and you can also lie down on things, or curl up or sprawl on things. In some rooms, the seats are spoken about in the description, but are not actual objects. Simply type sit, lie or curl to sit on one of those.

stand: Stand up after sitting or lying down.
Taxi relocate : Relocate your vehicle or trolley to another destination.
lp: Find out the name of a landing pad or access tube of your current planet or space station.
map: By itself will show you all the rooms in area. To find directions to a room in the area you are in, type map

Grouping commands:
lead : Lead other players around.
disband: Make all the players you are leading stop following.
leave: Stop following a player.

Object manipulation:
bolt/unbolt : bolt table/unbolt table, bolts or unbolts an object in a room. You must own both the room and the table. This makes sure that no one except you or a host can move the object.
drop-all, drop-all, attempt to drop everything in your inventory
get-all, get-all, attempt to pick up everything
wearall: Wear all wearable items in your inventory.
undress: Remove all items in your inventory.

Host interaction:
report: Found a bug? Found a typo? something not looking right? The report command is your way of reporting problems to us.
suggest: Got an idea? Think we should implement something? Use the suggest command! You can also type idea.
assist: Help! I'm stuck! Something broke me! Not to worry, the assist command will bring a helpful administrator running to answer your problem. If your assist can not be answered by any of the online hosts, you will be notified of this and placed back in the queue.
tech: does the same exact thing as the assist command.
Note about assists: If a host comments on an assist, you can look at the conversation by typing assist or tech again.

Misc commands:
say : say hi, says a message to everyone. You may also use the apostrophe sign (') as a shortcut: 'hi. Please see help communicating for more information.

pay to pose :, pose bleeding heavily from his nose, Set a little description message. This appears like this
bob(sitting down on a chair)(bleeding heavily from his nose.) This is a great way for players to see what you are roleplaying. To clear it, simply type pose clear.

options: set your game related options. Note, When in a menu, you can either type the items number, or the partial or full item name to select it.
options-quick: set one characters options to the exact same as one of your other characters.
emote: Start an emote
emoting: tell people you are emoting and to hang on just a minute

Still stuck?
Why not type newbie , newbie hi I need some help, to ask questions!

Recommended help files: help getting started,help introduction,ahelp list,help communicating,help hel.
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Last updated Sunday 1st September 2024 05:35:21
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