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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: help

Just like everything else on cosmic Rage, the help system here is a little unique.
Instead of the usual help >topic> syntax, we have split ours into several different categories.
Each one of these categories has its own command and the help files within more often than not contain information on that topic.
Find below a list of the categories, a short description, and the command to access them.
Activity help, This category contains a list of all of the activities we have on Cosmic rage. You can see the full list by reading the "list" help file. Command: ahelp. Ahelp list, ahelp mining.
Clan help, this category gives all of the information you would ever want to know about clans. Command: clhelp. clhelp clans
crafting help, This help category contains all of the information on the different things you can craft on Cosmic rage. command: chelp. chelp list, chelp hut
factory help, Contains all of the help files on how to build your own factory. command: fhelp. fhelp hauling, fhelp rooms
Gadgets help, contains help files on all your gadgets. Command: ghelp, ghelp game consoles, ghelp informational drones
general help: contains all help files that do not really relate to anything in the other categories, like the one you are reading right now. Command: help. help help, help donating
Moon Help: contains help files relating to the moon building activity. command: mHelp.
RP help: contains all our help to get you started with roleplay, including how to emote.
ship help: contains all the help files about ships, from combat, to movement, to cargo barrels. Command: shelp. shelp combat, shelp enemy
world help: contains files about the backstory, earth and some other things pertaining to the world's background. commands: whelp, whelp backstory

The help system on Cosmic rage may also give suggestions as to what files to read if it can not find something.
Say, for example, you enter chelp combat.
Because there is know combat file in the crafting category, the help system will then suggest for you to try shelp combat, for the starship combat help file.


If you are unsure as to what help file may contain your item of interest, help-search is available. This command will search through the help files for things that might be related, and then tell you about them.
If you're feeling particularly bored, you can also type help-random. This command will pick a random help file and present it to you.
You can also type help-link to display the website link of the last help file that you have viewed. Useful for those times where you want to view the page and do not want to scrol all the way to find it in your output log.
Finally, if you are being a helpful player, you may type newbie sendhelp and choose a player to send a help file to. They will then be able to type help with no arguments to read that help file.
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