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By Nathan Tech!

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gadgets help: Mounts

Here on Cosmic rage, we have so many ways to get around, it's hard to keep track. Mounts are just another way for you to enjoy transportation. Why walk when you can ride?
If you've ever ridden in a classic car, you have the basic idea. Mount , choose a direction, and accelearate away.
Bikes, horses, and hoverboards are all different types of mounts with different stats, speeds, and flavor text. They are an on-going low-priority project for the hosts, so suggestions are occasionally taken about how they might be improved.
Commands to keep in mind:
mount : begin riding the mount.
acc*ellerate : make your mount speed up.
dec*ellerate : Make your mount slow down.
Keep in mind, it is also possible to type acc*ellerate and dec*ellerate commands without targetting your mount if you're feeling lazy.
stop : Bring your mount to an instant stand still. There is a chance you will fall off.
: Turn your mount.
Recommended help files: ghelp horse.
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