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factory help: Player Run Dwelling Complexes

Player run Dwellings are one of many things for you to enjoy on cosmic rage.
In player run dwellings, you have the opportunity to build your own dwelling complex, including apartments/dwellings and then rent them out to people at costs you decide.
What do I need?
You need a factory and a lot of metal panels. Other than that... Not a lot.
How do I make my dwelling complex?
1. First build the dwelling lobby as you would any other room.
2. Type setup in the dwelling lobby to set up the dwelling complex.
3. Go into the first room and begin building your dwellings.
4. Type cost in the lobby to set up costs.
5. Advertise your dwelling complex!
How do I rent dwellings out to people?
First of all, you'll want to have built the dwellings.
We recommend you divide each dwelling from each other using doors or biometric scanners.
If you are using doors, we then recommend you make house keys, so people can lock and unlock their own doors.
if using biometric scanners, we recommend that you authorise the person.
Once you have made sure that the person is aware of costs, they need to type register in your lobby.
Then you give them the keys and off you go.
Rent is collected every 24 hours. the 24 hours is based on when the last scheduler restart was.
You set how much rennt will be with the costs command in lobbies.
When rent is collected, the players who are registered are given the notice and the costs are deducted.
If they can not afford the rent, the owner is notified of this.
The owner is then rewarded the total profit made.
Full list of commands:
In the lobby:
setup: Set up the first room of the dwelling complex including the name of the complex and the direction the first room is from this room.
costs: set up the costs
Registered: Tells who has registered for an apartment
register: register or unregister people
From the apartment complex:
build: build a new room. You may have a maximum of 60 rooms in your dwelling complex.
Describe: describe the room
inside/outside: make the room an inside or outside room.
Rank: `r250 for the factory.
Skills: none
Race advantages: none
Recommended help files: fhelp player run stores,fhelp factories,fhelp player run cafe.
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