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By Nathan Tech!
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factory help: Player Run Clothing Stores
Because we love complete player customizability on cosmic rage, we offer you the opportunity to run your own clothes shops.what do these shops allow you to do?
1. Design and description, with unlimited type options and custom appearance strings, any clothing you like.
2. they allow you to sell them in your own shop and receive payments for them.
3. They give you the opportunity to balance out the costs of materials verses prices.
4. They give you the opportunity to customize your own welcome message in the shop.
5. They allow the choice of discounts, opening hours and sales management.
How do I get a player run clothing store?
They are factory rooms and require 20 metal panels to build.
How do they work?
First you add some items.
Second you open the shop.
Third people buy your items.
Fourth you are charged, once every 24 hours, the cost of the materials you have used for the day.
All publicly available items must comply with the public content policy of the game.
Additional note: Each item of clothing bought from your store costs 20 plastic from your storage bay.
The cash paid at the end of the day is for materials such as cotton or decorative features.
names, descriptions and type options:
When you are writing the names and descriptions for your clothing, you can use the choices buyers make.For example: If you allow your buyer to choose the length of the sleeve and the front decoration, your name might look like this:
a %1 t-shirt with %2 on the front.
Where %1 is the first choice the buyer makes and %2 is the second choice the buyer makes.
Buy templates:
Within the manage command of your store it is possible to manage the buy template for an item of clothing.For the purposes of this section, please consider the following:
Prompt: This is the line shown to the buyer such as "What sleeve length would you like?"
Choice: This is the choice they make in response to that prompt. E.G, short-sleeves.
you can, when setting up your item, choose its default clothing type. This might be a short sleeve t-shirt, just for example.
You may then have the buyer be able to choose short, long or sleeves as a buy choice.
The buy template is what will allow you to set this up.
So, for our example above, once we have set the type to short sleeve t-shirt, we then will want to go into our buy template, and in the template field write:
long sleeves
We may then choose for this to change the type of the clothing to long sleeved t-shirt.
In this way you can also make the clothing cover more parts than by default, for instance if you want a dress that covers down to the lower arm but not the wrist, you might choose an elbow length dress then add the lower arms as additional parts.
You can also remove parts, add pockets, change the fastenings and more.
Note: It is often times easier to chooes a different clothing type, rather than add/remove parts, for example:
In our t-shirt example, it is easier to type in long sleeves as the buy template and have that change the default type to long sleeved t-shirt than it would be to add the 8+ parts required to do so.
Cosmic Rage has over 100 clothing options to chooes from so you should never be far from what you are looking for.
Buy template Subkeys:
A subkey is a buy choice that triggers a template only after another is chosen.so if you have the user choosing first length, then sleeves, you could set it to where the buy template has the choice of maxi dress set up, then as a subkey, long sleeves.
Doing it this way means that long sleeves will not trigger unless maxi dress is chosen first.
Buy: buy an item. It can be typed with or without arguments.list: list the items in the shop
Manage: Manage business hours, inventory, your advertisements and more.
Rank: `r250.
skills: none
race advantages: none
Recommended help files: fhelp factory building,help clothin.
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