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The donation process

There are 5 steps to the donation process.
  1. Donate: This is done through the button below. We accept both PayPal donations, and card payments. Card payments are handled through PayPal. To pay by card:
  2. When your donation is complete, you will receive a confirmation email from PayPal, and also from us. Open our confirmation email.
  3. Log into the game on the character you wish the cash to be credited to. Once logged in, type donate.
  4. When prompted, copy and paste the donation ID, given in the email we sent to you, and then when prompted enter the email you used. Your donator cash will then be credited to your account.
  5. Type support for help with using your donator cash.

That all important button.

It's right here!

Why should I donate?

Donations are how we keep the game open for users like you.
Along with the warm, fuzzy feeling you get from helping out with keeping a game open, you also can pick from over 50 donator bonuses to choose from.
Just type @donator-items from within the game to find out more!

common questions:

I've not got a confirmation email

First, ensure the donation went through on your end.
Second, wait at least 24 hours. Though it is rare, there is a small possibility the email might be held up for some reason.
third, Type support from within the game and we'll track it down for you.

I entered one too many 0's, do you refund?

We sure do!
Just get in touch and we'll refund that back to you.

Do you accept card?

Absolutely, see the steps above for more details.
If you have further questions, do feel free to get in touch with us either in the game, or via our contact form
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It's not disability

It's ability!

Last updated Tuesday 25th February 2025 06:28:45
Copyright © 2013-2025 Nathan Tech. All rights reserved.