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By Nathan Tech!
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world help: the unsecure channel
The concept for the unsecure channel was thought up shortly after the Star Disaster in 2430. Before the disaster, the allies had colonies in many places, far and wide. Some of them big, others small.Some were on planets, others were on stable planetoids. Some had enough people to be considered cities, others were families, or large expedition crews who decided to settle down and live off of the land.
Most colonies had some form of broadcast or receiving array. this allowed them, as it allows the allied planets today, to stay connected to the main communications network. If that goes down however, they lose access to the various pilot and nonpilot channels.
On an allied planet in local space this is but an easy fix, with resources readily available and workers almost always ready to get the planet back online. Indeed for the more densely populated worlds there are more than one array set up to ensure constant connectivity.
During the star disaster communication was, at best, limited. Most arrays suffered some form of failure or overload and by the by contact was almost predictably, lost.
This is where the idea of the unsecure channel was thought of.
Since 2430 the communications network has had many upgrades, the encryption in particular being changed on an almost weekly basis to stay one step ahead of enemy attackers, especially the droids.
For this reason if nothing else, even if colonies managed to reconstruct or even build a new communications broadcast facility, experts predict we just would never hear it because we're not listening. So unsecure was devised.
Unsecure is a low level, unencrypted broadcast and receiver channel which is specifically designed at finding anything, anything at all, coming from space.
This can be anything from enemy transmissions, to strange unidentified noises, unknown races or even, and what was hoped, any broadcast from old colonies.
The unsecure channel is beamed out from two separate broadcasting facilities, one on Star Command and the other on Calira Dura**9*1.
The beams are sent from directional antenna which rotate very slowly in order to cover as large a distance as possible. While at first it was thought that perhaps an multi-directional antenna would be best, it was quickly found that by instead beaming a wider beam in a specific direction and then rotating, the signal could get out a lot further than constantly listening in all directions.
this is why sometimes you'll be able to hear the Droids over the channel, but at other times they will fall quiet in favour of picking up the Vacus. Of course, it is unlikely that unsecure would ever pick up anything sensitive and it is almost commonly accepted that anything it does pick up everyone else probably knows about too, but forewarned is forearmed and so the channel remains to this date.
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