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By Nathan Tech!
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world help: the Species Defense Force assassins guild
the SDA is perhaps one of the most mysterious elements to 25th century government.Officially, they fall under the banner of the species defense force and by extention, the military.
SDA stands for Species Defense Force assassins Guild, and technically is SDFAG, but most people shorten it for quickness.
the department was formed at the same time as the Earth Alliance and was originally run by the UN. In later years, after the dragons joined the department began to separate until it eventually began to run itself.
The assassins of this department are no one, and everyone.
not one person alive has ever seen an assassins face who is not an assassin him or herself.
There is no record of who is, or who isn't an assassin, but we know they're definitely there.
In 2205, the at the time supreme Commander tried to have the department shut, and 3 days before the case was set to have a vote, he unfortunately tripped while admiring some views out by a lake, and fell over the cliff, breaking his neck.
A few things, despite their best efforts, are known about the assassins guild:
1. they dress all in black.
2. They carry various assorted weapons, the most prominant being a dagger with a small symbol on the handle indicating the raven in flight below an all-seeing eye.
3. Each assassin member is hand picked by the current assassins.
4. The Chief General has no authority over assassins.
5. Anyone could be a target, for any reason, at any time.
6. Their headquarters is in uncharted space, and is suspected to move often, though it has been found many times.
7. Each assassin is given specialist training in weapons, defense, cloaking themselves in shadow and more.
8. Over 2491 the assassins were responsible for the death of 15 officials from potential planets that wanted to cause war in the alliance. Ten of these are rumoured to have been ordered by Chief general Maryanne.
9. No member of the assassins guild has ever been taken alive.
10. There are no dragon assassins.
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