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By Nathan Tech!
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world help: The Star Disaster
The star disaster was a huge event.Hold that in your mind as you read this file.
Yes, there were warning signs.
Yes, steps were taken to try and avoid it, but at the end of the day, it was a huge event and a huge disaster.
The star disaster took place through the year of 2430.
Star studies began in the late 2360's and was founded on very rushed technology.
at the time there was somewhat of an energy crisis going on. With Dragon Human relations at their lowest point due to the Ryuchi and due to the humans sharing what ever they could with above mentioned Ryuchi, resources were becoming very quickly used.
There were many projects to try and give one side an advantage, not because they were at war, but simply to prove a point. One side was right and they knew they were right because they could do everything better than the other. Stars are such an obvious source of energy, from light, heat and far more beyond those.
Star Studies, it seems, would be the answer. The technology developed over the years, becoming bigger, more absorbent, more able to gather energy but not necessarily more efficient.
Crude is the best word that can describe this technology and it showed. In 2403, one particularly highly studied star gave out such a tremendous solar storm the entire sector was declared off limits for 6 months.
Things only got worse. Magnetic waves would pulse out from the star, electronics and satellites were being knocked out and nobody could bring themselves to stop.
It was in 2425 that things really started going wrong and when people really started to take note that something had to change. In 2425, Sol's gravity fluctuated. Not by much, but when dealing with space, not by much is enough to spell problem. Big problem.
Gravity generators had been invented years ago. It was a huge alliance fear that a race would sink low enough to attack a moon or attempt to upset an orbit. After all, it would be easy enough with the kind of technology the Vacus had for them to attack Earth's moon and in doing so make Earth a lifeless rock. Gravity generators were a necessity. They were also what kept huge stations like Star Command going.
More than anything else, the gravity generators are what saved a lot in Sol's system. What could have been a huge disaster, an event that could have seen the end of habitation instead saw only Pluto suffering.
It's important to recognise just how much of a disaster this was though. An entire planet can no longer be found in modern day cosmic Rage. First, the gravity fluctuation affected Pluto's orbit. For lack of a better word the orbit slipped outwards. This put Pluto in a bad enough position as it was but the poor planet was only seeing the start of the problems.
Major planets may have been protected by the latest and greatest technology could offer, but asteroids were not. Asteroids that spun out from where they should have been and smashed into Pluto and Pluto's moon.
Asteroids that utterly wiped out the dwarf planet Orcus.
The major planets were not unaffected, to say so would be insane, but total world ending damage was managed, if not averted.
People took note. It would be hard not too after all. Star studying was stopped, for the most part.
Most planets agreed, we'll find a better way.
Business, however, is business. It was never technically made illegal, and the Star Studying industry was a highly competitive one. When top scientists could point at components and say: "That. That is what caused this too happen." and then businesses say: "We've taken it out. It's much safer." Some people are money orientated enough to try again.
And try they did.
Some sectors did make it illegal. Diana, for example, was very strict on their no studying policy and would shoot down ships that even got too close to their star.
Others, not so much. Danimara's economy boomed as profits from star studies inflated it far beyond bursting point.
Then, 2430.
It is a sentence deserving of it's own line for it is one of huge importance.
this year is what people refer to when they say "The Star Disaster."
Throughout 2430, the alliance was plagued with disaster after disaster, electrical storms swept several planet's atmospheres completely clean of satellites, knocking every single one of them to the ground, huge solar storms roasted ships and left the pilot industry at an all time low as deaths rose and risks along with.
Perhaps the three biggest disasters though were as follows:
1. Danimara's star: Danimara's far, far saturated star went into early expansion. In a move that had not been expected for at least another thousand years, Danimara's star expanded into a red giant and grew in size. it also begun to fire off huge packets of radiation, so powerful that in March it made the closest planet to the star completely lifeless. Despite all the preparations, despite planetary shielding and gravity generators, Danimara began to evacuate in 2431, conditions just getting worse and worse. It would take 10 years until the government managed to, almost by chance, stabilise the star enough to attempt some form of recovery program.
2. Distant stars: It is not illogical to wonder, "If populated stars were having such a reaction, why not study far off" and indeed people did. Stars that were far away from populated space were drained a lot harder, indeed there were a few companies that set up factories around stars with the specific idea of having 24 hour harvests. bigger drains though meant bigger reactions. For the sake of everyone's sanity, this file will not go into detail here, but rest assured the loss to life was cataclysmic
3. The loss of contact: Early on in 2431 the comms net fell, with satellites being swept aside like bugs, there was nothing to sustain a long range network and no money or people spare to keep it repaired. People were facing far bigger problems and long range communication was just not a priority when you could fly out a ship instead.
In 2436 the star down one sector of sector 10 gave such a massive explosion that travel through the surrounding sectors became impossible.
It was like putting up a curtain. Nobody south of ten new anything about anyone north of ten. From sector 10 to sector 13, they were on their own. The alliance had been affected sliced down the middle.
It would be like talking to a friend as they were abseiling down a cliff and you think you hear the rope give way and the line goes dead.
That was how shocking, frightening and unknown this situation was.
A lot of the alliance fears, it were found, were thankfully not realised. the star had not exploded and wiped out everyone but it had changed. Become a lot bigger and a ton more unstable.
It took scientists over 40 years to even get the star to the point where travel was possible once again and in that time, things changed. enemies advanced their lines and the alliance's attitude and focus shifted. The expansionist, profiteering governments of planets were more often than not replaced with more unified, more inner focused rulers and profiteering from stars became a huge taboo.
Even today, pilot's are not looked upon favourably to star study and it is an activity that has changed much since 2430.
Why though, I hear you ask. If star studies caused this huge problem, why is it still done.
Surely we're into the realms of unrealistic. surely, star studies would be banned.
Attempts have been made. Indeed, companies are banned. Only pilots are allowed to star study now and even then if a pilot is a pilot for a company, such as a merchant ship captain, they are classed as company and therefore, band.
To that end, compared to the upwards of a million star studiers, today there is less than 100.
Compared to the drain rates of then, now the numbers pilots see are highly edited and extremely well monitored.
Planetary government stances are now a lot fiercer and star observations are made constantly through facilities pilots themselves are able to buy.
It's up to you. do you think it's worth the risk?
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