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By Nathan Tech!
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world help: Astraeus
The story of Astraeus is a rather rocky one.It was founded in 2365, originally as an outpost to serve Scientific research for the government, it was named Galactic Science outpost iara.
Its creation got the immediate attention of the droids who tried, and continue to try, to destroy the station at every opportunity.
It suffered heavy damages in 2405, and was abandoned in 2408 after the hull collapsed leaving only the skeleton of the station.
In 2419 however, it was taken over by Stargate productions and rebuilt into a smaller version of the then Star Command, a reminder that the military needed science if they were going to win the wars.
It was formally named Galactic Science Core HQ and officially opened by the Dragon Queen in a ceremony in 2422.
This station went through the best, and the worst of times. Contact was lost with it for a while in the star disaster and it suffered several heavy attacks over the 70 years up to 2490.
In 2490 the Droids and Vacus took particular interest in the station, ending in the gravity generators eventually being knocked off line and damage being caused to many parts of the station's outer hull.
In early 2492, Galactic Science Core HQ managers were found dead in their offices by the morning cleaners.
at first it was assumed suicide, until it was found that they had been assassinated either by the SDA, or someone posing as the SDA.
This lead to a flurry of rumours as to who owned the station, especially after it was revealed by Stargate Productions that they indeed had given up the ownership rights, but were contract bound to not say to whom.
After one of the scientists was found dead in his lab, many people began to leave the Science Core, fearing it was cursed. Many conspiracy theories, most of which are still present today, rose up, some saying it was the secret base for a planned military takeover, others saying the SDA had taken over the station.
In November 2492, the entire station closed for a short period while the old sphere was torn down and the generators rebuilt, as well as the new, inner sphere constructed.
the station's name also changed into Astraeus, though the ownership of the station remains a mystery, to this day.
Further expansions of Astraeus are planned in the future, says popular rumour and indeed there are always construction crews doing things there, but what the plan is no one truly knows.
The SDL denies all knowledge of the owners and indeed even the MI are unsure, though both military groups agree it is safe enough to visit, both for staff and for tourists.
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