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rp help: basic emoting

In this file we will attempt to teach you the basics of how to emote.
This file covers:
1. The emote and emoting commands.
2. Moving your name.
3. Referencing objects.
So lets get started.
1. The emote and emoting commands.
The way you do an emote is with the emote, or a, command.
Emotes are written in the third person, I.E he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves.
Here is an example of an emote:
emote waves cheerily.
this command would produce:
Kayla Maryanne waves cheerily.
Sometimes, emotes can take a while to write, so to tell your fellow players that you're typing, and not idle, you can type the emoting command.


2. Moving your name.
After a while, always having your name at the beginning of an emote will get boring. That, or your emote simply may not fit it.
You can move your name around in an emote using %n.
Note: If your client struggles with %n, use @ instead.
For example:
emote waving cheerily, %n turns and leaves the room.
This produces:
Waving cheerily, kayla Maryanne leaves the room.
You can also put any punctuation or extensions onto this, such as the following:
emote %n pulls out the chair labeled as %n's and sits in it.
this would produce:
Kayla Maryanne pulls out the chair labeled as Kayla Maryanne's and sits in it.
perhaps a little wordy, but it works.


3. Interacting with objects.
Including object names in your emote is simple. Just put a $ before what you want to match to.
For example:
emote nods to $alisha.
This produces:
Kayla Maryanne nods to Alisha Kaiairi.
In this instance, objects and players are the same, so:
emote firmly shakes hands with $alisha,
emote turns over $teapot
Will both work.
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