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rp help: advanced emoting

In this file, we will cover:
1. how to leave a room using an emote, and how to have an entrance emote.
2. How to write emotes that appear in first person for you, and third person for everyone else.
3. How to include other people's pronouns in your emote.
4. More fancy things with your name and pronouns.


1. how to leave a room using an emote, and how to have an entrance emote.
to leave through an exit, put an exclamation mark, "!" in front of the exit name in your emote, like the following:
emote heads !south whistling a tune.
People see:
Kayla Maryanne heads south whistling a tune.
you are then moved into the room south of that from which you emoted.
Before you are, however, the mud will ask you if you want an entrance emote.
If you do not provide one, your entrance emote will simply be set to you walking in with your default walking style.
Here is an example:
emote heads !south whistling.
Room sees: Kayla Heads south whistling.
Entrance emote? yes.
enters the room and twirls on the spot.
New room sees: Kayla Maryanne enters the room and twirls on the spot.
this is a great way to make an entrance!


2. How to write emotes that appear in first person for you, and third person for everyone else.
On cosmic Rage, we give you the ability to write emotes that appear in first person to you, and third person to other people. for example:
You lift a golden goblet to your lips and sip.
Kayla Maryanne lifts a golden goblet to her lips and sips.
To do this, you must write your emote in the first person, and put a dash in front of any word that needs pluralising.
Like so:
%n -lift a golden goblet to %her -lip and -sip.
Now, in the above we also have a pronoun which we'll cover in a below section, but the output is what was shown in the example.
Play around with this a little, as it is a great way to enhance your roleplay.


3. How to include other people's pronouns in your emote.
When you write an emote like this:
emote shakes $brandon's paw.
your target sees:
Kayla Maryanne shakes your paw.
but this effect can be ruined if you have:
emote shakes $brandon's hand, then boffs him on the nose.
Because brandon sees:
Kayla Maryanne shakes your paw, then boffs him on the head.
Never fear.
You can reference pronouns of a person or object by writing a dot and then the pronoun you want after the name, like so:
emote shakes $brandon's paw, then boffs $brandon.him on the head.
Everyone accept Brandon sees: Kayla Maryanne shakes Brandon Red Designation's paw, then boffs him on the head.
Brandon sees: Kayla Maryanne shakes your paw, then boffs you on the head.
It should be mentioned that at this point, Kayla maryanne would probably get eaten by the very ticked off Ryuchi, but that's another story.
Find below a table that shows pronouns you can use:
Male pronoun, female equivalent, produces:
.him, .her2, him/her.
.himself, .herself, himself/herself.
.he, .she, he/she.
.his, .her, his/her.
The mud will automaticly substitute in the correct gender, regardless of which one you use, but for some it is easier to write in their own gender, so we allow it.
The mud will, of course, also correctly capitalise the pronoun based on how you capitalise the pronoun.
So: .he produces a lower case he and shhe, while, .He produces he and She.


4. More fancy things with your name and pronouns.
Other people are not the only ones who can have some fancy pronoun fun!
Here are some pronouns for your own personal use:
%fn: your first name,
%ln: Your last name.
%r: your Rank.
%his/%her: his/her
%him/%her: him/her
%himself/%herself: himself/herself
%he/%she: he/she
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