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rp help: PSAY, SPEMOTE, and virtual roleplay spots


Sometimes, you might find yourself in a big roleplay scene on cosmic rage which has naturally splintered off into groups which would not normally be able to hear each other but you find that an emote or a say broadcasts to the entire room. Introducing the SPEMOTE and PSAY commands! When you use the SPEMOTE and PSAY commands, your emotes and say messages will only broadcast to folks who are sitting or laying on the same piece of furniture you are on. However, you can also create temporary virtual spots for when there just aren't enough pieces of furniture in the room for your satisfaction with the spot command.

Creating and joining a roleplay spot

For the simple price of 5 rp points per character, you can add a virtual spot to any room you are in by typing spot join and selecting the "Make a new spot" option from the menu. You are then prompted for a name for the spot, and you are told how many rp points it will cost before confirming that you would like to proceed.
If there are already spots in the room, you can select their name from the menu. As long as there are players at the virtual spot, it will remain, but it will vanish once all players have left.
Tables and chairs function as permanent spots, and you join them by sitting on them as you normally would.

Leaving a roleplay spot

Leaving is as easy as exiting the room in which a roleplay spot exists, though you may not always wish to depart the scene in order to switch to a spot with more of your friends. As such, you can type spot leave which will accomplish the same thing as leaving the room will, except you won't go anywhere. Keep in mind that furniture, while functioning as a spot, cannot be left in this manner, though simply standing up will achieve the desired result.


PSAY : Used like the usual SAY command, but only people at your spot will see it.
SPEMOTE : Used like the usual emote command, but only people at your rp spot see it.
SPOT JOIN : Creates or joins a virtual rp spot.
SPOT LEAVE : Leaves a virtual roleplay spot.
Recommended help files: rphelp Forced Role Play Forced RP,rphelp basic emoting,rphelp advanced emotin.
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