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By Nathan Tech!

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moon help: this category

It is not uncommon to wonder, moon base building is just an activity, why has it got its own help file category?
The answer to this is quite simple. Moon base building, rather like factory building, is one of our largest and singularly most complicated activity to date.
To write up all of its features in one long help file, would not only make it scroll way past your mud clients limits, but it would also be very tiring for the hosts, make it difficult to proofread, and all around just make it generally unpleasant.
As such we decided to make this into a category, with bite-sized chunks to sink your teeth into to understand the activity.
If you're wondering where to start, I'd perhaps suggest reading the following files first:
1. backstory
2. requirements
3. getting started
4. buildings
5. commerce.
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