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By Nathan Tech!

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moon help: the buildings

The buildings of this activity are few, and easy to understand, see below a list of their requirements and purpose.
First of all, buildings are made of three resources:
metal: Metal panels found anywhere such as planet chunks.
Bricks: Normal bricks, found in Planetoid splitting and such.
Clay: Harvested from clay pits, see mHelp clay.
Each physical room of your moon can hold 15 buildings before you need to expand.
When you have filled up a room, type build to build a new one. It requires 530 bricks, and 1000000 moon bucks.
Everything requires citizens. for a new physical room, you need 10.

----- buildings ------------

to destroy a building you no longer want, type crush from inside your moon truck.
To build buildings, type construct.
Each building needs 10 citizens.
Name: house
Purpose: Provides housing for up to 8 citizens.
Requires: 1000 bricks, 200 clay and 100 metal panels
Name: shelter
Purpose: Gives citizens a safe place to go during disasters or during attacks.
Requires: 2500 bricks, 300 clay and 300 metal panels
Name: farm
Purpose: provides food for up to 4 citizens.
Requires: 2000 bricks, 1000 clay and 500 metal panels
Name: import building
Purpose: Allows you to import goods, such as metal, wiring and capacitors onto your moon.
Requires: 25000 bricks, 500 clay and 10000 metal panels
Name: export building
Purpose: Allows you to export goods for profit.
Requires: 25000 bricks, 500 clay and 10000 metal panels
Name: wolf drone factory
Purpose: Allows the building of wolf drones, a type of attack drone.
Requires: 15000 bricks, 300 clay and 10000 metal panels
Name: monkey drone factory
Purpose: Allows the building of monkey drones, a type of defensive drone that is balanced.
Requires: 15000 bricks, 300 clay and 10000 metal panels
Name: lookout tower
Purpose: Lookout towers engage enemy drones where they can, and also help boost looking out for spy drones.
Requires: 20000 bricks, 1000 clay and 13000 metal panels
Name: spy drone factory
Purpose: Allows you to build spy drones.
Requires: 10000 bricks, 15000 clay and 25000 metal panels
Name: brick processing facility
Purpose: Allows you to process bricks into clay. you should only ever need one of these.
Requires: 20000 bricks, 40000 clay and 40000 metal panels
Name: Anti-landing shielding
Purpose: Stops an attack from landing in a room. You must leave at least three rooms without this in.
Requires: 40000 bricks, 20000 clay and 30000 metal panels
Name: Anti-meteor laser towers
Purpose: Helps to shoot down meteors when they approach the moon, reducing the amount of damage the meteor will do.
Requires: 15000 bricks, 38000 clay and 42000 metal panels
Name: wasp drone factory
Purpose: Allows you to build fast attack drones.
Requires: 5000 bricks, 1500 clay and 2000 metal panels
Name: tortoise drone factory
Purpose: Allows you to build slow but heavily armoured attack drones.
Requires: 4000 bricks, 2500 clay and 1000 metal panels
Name: spider drone factory
Purpose: Allows you to build fast, but not well armoured, defense drones.
Requires: 3000 bricks, 2000 clay and 5000 metal panels
Name: garilla drone factory
Purpose: Allows you to build slow but powerful defense drones.
Requires: 5000 bricks, 3500 clay and 3000 metal panels
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