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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: voting

Cosmic Rage would like to get the word out about us to as many people as possible.
One of the ways we do this is on a website called Top Mud Sites.
On TMS they have a voting system in which players of a mud can vote for it every day.
Here at Cosmic Rage we offer several things to help remind you to vote for us.
First is this help file.
The voting link is http://www.topmudsites.com/vote-cosmic_rage.html
We also offer very handy vote reminders that will remind you to vote each day until you type a certain command, confirming your vote.
to get a handy Cosmic Rage Reminder:
1. Type reminder.
There you go! You have one!
The vote link is shown both in the reminders description, and in the reminders that it gives out.
If you have not voted in the last 24 hours, the moo will remind you too, in a short message that also contains the link.
When looking at the reminder, you can also see how many times you have voted for us!
To confirm a vote, type vote .
Happy voting!
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