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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: using a megasuit

Megasuits take two people to operate.
One person sits in the left cockpit and controls the left side, while the other person sits in the right cockpit and controls the right side.
How to move a megasuit.
Megasuits walk like you and me.
One foot forward, followed by the other.
there for, to go north, one person types north, then the other types north.
If the other person types a different direction, the megasuit will fall over, take damage, and people may find themselves in a state of laughing at you.
Type facing to see where the megasuit is facing, and s-attention to make it return to standing at attention.
Sweet, so I am walking around in my giant monster of doom. Now what?
Well, after you are done bragging, you could do a mission!
Megasuits are built to do offensive combat and smash the Vacus into bug sized splatters.
As such, the missions for megasuits are as follows:
type assign from the room that is southwest of the dock, and choose a mission, 1 to 8. the higher the mission the more enemies and more difficult.
If other people want to join you on your mission, they type join .
Board your suit and type deploy.
When you arrive in the enemy defenses you will encounter many things, from automated turrets and gun nests that can only attack in one room, automated forts that can fire one room over, patrol drones that will march around warehouses and jump out at you, gunboats which will fly around and bombard you from the air and more! Each map is full of buildings. Each building is a square of either 2 by 2, 3 by 3 or 4 by 4. The buildings have one entrance, and grounds around the outside.
You can get an overview of the mission by typing overview. you can find out where hostiles are by typing hostiles.
During the course of the mission, certain things may happen:
*transportation trains: trains occasionally may enter the area which, if you destroy, will give you a bonus!
*Ammo dumps may be found, or ammo crates may be dropped. Take these out but prepare to run! Either shoot them with long range weapons, or be quick because they explode in stages!
*data modules: Hack these using the hack command to gain extra rewards!
*collapsing walls: If a wall starts to collapse, just run! Otherwise your suit will get slammed with debris!
During the course of fighting with your megasuit you will note that the arms of the suit have to be in different positions, depending on what you want to do. You raise and lower the arms with the lift and loewr commands respectively.
To fire the long range weapon, using the long command, the arm must be in the shoulder position.
For the short range weapon, short command, waist height is required.
Finally, to swing the arm at a target, it has to be at the legs position.
You're not the only one with offensive capabilities though, the enemy will do their best to take chunks out of you, too!
To see how much damage you have taken, type damage. to repair, type repair.
You can either type repair, just to repair the suit, or repair to repair a specific slot e.g. repair left arm.
To speak to someone outside of the megasuit, use ext.
You can use the status command to see an overview of your megasuit.
finally, while in the mission, you may want to use the peer command, overview, and hostile.
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