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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: the news

The intergalactic news is the place in which the hosts will spread any IC events and/or happenings about the game.
It is our dream that, one day, most announcements will not go in announcements, and instead will go in the news.
News articles take real time and effort to do for hosts, and we really appreciate it when we see players talking, debating and taking action about them both in rp, and over channels.
To access the news, you will need an informational computer.
You can either then type news, to jump directly to it, or go to the news menu from the main menu.
there are two types of news.
The Important intergalactic News, I-I-N for short, is the place where articles will go.
These articles are sorted into categories and often cover big changes that will occur in the game's timeline, such as a particularly violent invasion, planetary or space station changes, and such.
The I-I-N is split into categories, each of which has a summary you can read within.
The other part of the news are headlines. these are equally important, as the hosts will use these to gently guide players in a direction of the story line. It is very important to pay attention to these, as sometimes they contain information that may affect your character directly, such as a planet restricting access to certain people, or sectors being marked as unsafe.
Some common questions that often get asked about the news:
1. Why are some headlines irrelevant? Media outlets come from all over the Galaxy and sometimes what seems important to one planet is not to another.
2. Why is the media focusing/hating on the military/Senate/a particular pilot/theme? Just as in real life, sometimes the news companies of the world can become fixated on a particular person or event for a while, usually because there is a lot of development to be had floating around this point. For example, a particular rise in headlines about the military could indicate a rising distrust or love of what the military is doing in native planet populations.
3. Who publishes the news? In game there are three major news companies; Galactic News, Spaceside Speakers and Government Notice. the government Notice is a strictly Senate controlled establishment, while Galactic News and Spaceside Speakers are free media. the headlines are usually published by one of these three groups, or by local planet-side companies whose knows are not really that relevant in the grand scheme of things.
4. Why does the news not tell the truth? the news, like media outlets in today's society, is law bound to tell the truth. That's not to say however that they can't twist it to their own means. Where as the truth may well be that 500 people survived a starship pilot crashing, the news may report it as a possible attempt to destabilise a city, all because 2.5 billion credits worth of damage was caused to the nearby buildings. While both statements are based on fact, they are simply reported a different way.
5. Who runs the tabloids? Tabloid journalism is usually run by private organisations, though they are still registered as press.
6. Why does the Senate allow certain articles or headlines to go ahead? The Senate can not, by law, put a gag order on either Spaceside Speakers or the Galactic News and can therefore publish anything they like providing it is lawful. further to that, sometimes planets will take steps to protect sources or media outlets.
7. Who are these inside sources, anyway? Why hasn't the military kicked out all their inside sources by now? Even in today's society the media has people everywhere, from reporters attached to units of soldiers, reporters who follow certain people in hope of a scoop, or just simply people who tip them off to things. It is the presses job to make things public and they are very, very good at it. When asking this question it is important to remember that the game is formed of many, many planets and organisations who number in the millions, if not billions.
Hosts are not the only one's who can write headlines and news articles though.
If you are willing to roleplay it out, the JAG are able to suggest headlines to the hosts, and so approaching the members of that organisation is one way to go about it.
There is also a donator item for a headline about your character or about something of your choice.
Finally, on business Central, there is a news agents where you can write your own news articles that, after being reviewed and checked for errors, will be posted by the hosts.
Please bare in mind when writing these articles, that a few sentences is not going to cut it. News articles are often full of information, quotes, alternate views and predictions. We like to see you take pride in your work!
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