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general help: the mutariansi race

The mutariansi are perhaps one of the most complicated races we have here on Cosmic Rage and yet they are the ones with the strictest roleplay guidelines.
The word Mutariansi comes from the latin word Mutar, meaning to mutate.
They are a race of shapeshifters who like the dragons, have a very prideful streak to them.
The first documented sighting of the race are back in the 12th or 13th century during the time of witchcraft on Old Earth. Historians firmly believe that the Mutariansi would mingle with humans back then, and return to their home planet when they could.
It is unsure when the shapeshifters developed space travel, but we do know that they are not as old as the dragons.
We lost touch with the Mutariansi back in the 17th century, until in 2475, an unknown sphere entered local space. Acting on instinct, it was shot down, and a decree was issued for all spheres that appeared on frontlines to be primary targets for obliteration.
This system worked until, in 2491, first contact was made between the SDF and the race.
It appeared that the Mutariansi had been attacked, heavily, by the Vacus in 2470, and enslaved. The sphere of 2475 was a cry for help which we savagely ignored.
In 2491, the race tried again, but this time, they had broken free of the Vacus. They knew, however, unless they got backup, they were key for extermination.
They kidnapped a human, Miss Sierra Gar, and attempted to communicate through her. Needless to say, this failed and the race was forced to communicate face to face with our senate.
This is how the Mutariansi alliance began.
the alliance has not exactly been steady and indeed up until 2494 they were not even permitted to have a Senate representative. There were also challenges that had to be overcome, for instance, how are Mutariansi to communicate over our radios if they can not verbalise? This was solved by Doctor Harumi Marashinki and his wife Galitayya who while working with several Mutariansi in the form of dogs to see if they could develop some sort of translator for normal dogs (EG non Mutariansi dogs), realised that while in the presence of Calpaturian crystal the telepathic voice of the Mutariansi became a lot more louder and indeed seemed to echo.
Calpaturian crystal, which is found near the heart of Navu's volcanoes, is a rather dull brown material which, thanks to where it forms, is extremely hard to meld into anything. For that reason alone, it took the scientists nearly 6 months to develop a prototype machine which they hoped would enable them to pick up the thoughts of non Mutariansi dogs. It didn't, but instead what it did do was pick up the thoughts of the Mutariansi they were working with when they directed said thoughts in the devices direction.
One could argue this could be used as a translator and many people thought so too. Right from the get go however, member of the Mutariansi race strongly opposed its use, threatening at one stage to destroy any units that were offered and thus endlessly waste alliance resources. A compromise was reached though when instead the alliances offered to install the crystals into the radios, thus giving the Mutariansi their freedom, while also offering them the ability to communicate on the public channels. This arrangement, though grudgingly, was accepted.
Key facts about the race:
1. The mutariansi are shape shifters.
2. They rely on bio plasma. Bio plasma is a chemical that allows them to transform and breathe oxygen.
3. In their ships, they breathe an unknown gas which non-shape shifters can not stand.
4. Mutariansi have been known to breed with humans, forming what are called half Mutariansi. These half Mutariansi rarely found out who they were, although the most notably recently is that of SDL Chief general Kayla Maryanne. Half Mutariansi can not change, but do hold the ability to be able to hypnotize people, occasionally heal people and often are strikingly attractive.
5. We require an extra upgrade, the mutariansi conversion upgrade, to breathe on their ships, and they require it on our ships in order to use the controls.
6. Mutariansi are able to lock themselves into one form, allowing them to speak to us aloud, but they lose the ability to shapeshift, and have a lot more difficulty resisting primal urges.
7. The Mutariansi refuse to use translaters. They communicate telepathically. If you wish to be able to understand this race, you must buy a translater from your nearest communication store.


Key rp features of this race:
The Mutariansi are very prideful.
They are also more sexually active than most races, due to their low species numbers.
You should keep in mind what form you are in when roleplaying this race. Not acting in accordance with this race will cause you to receive warnings.


Race Specifics:
Home Planet: Mulrala, Sector 31
Capital City: None. the Mutariansi do not believe in living in cities. those who choose to mate with humans often live lives out in the countryside.
The Mutariansi form has no specifics, though they start as a ball of slime.
Life expectancy: about 100 years
mating rituals: Mutariansi are more sexually active than any other race, due to their low numbers.
Reproduction system: Mutariansi can give birth or lay eggs in any female form, but once an egg is fertilized in a mother or after laying, the mother is locked in that form until the pregnancy is over or the egg hatches. There is no mechanic in the game that locks forms for you, however from an rp perspective, hormonal changes during the gestation period will prevent reforming.


Mutariansi can not use voice control with computers.
Only Mutariansi in their humanoid form can wield weapons, other forms rely on their abilities.
Unique commands:
reform: change your form
forms: see what forms you know
abilities: see the abilities you can perform in your form
bio*plasma: see how much bio plasma you have
bheal : heal someone with the mutariansi healing ability
redescribe: give your form a new description.
mount : Used by other players to ride a mutariansi. Only some forms can be ridden.


To learn a new form:
Forms are Rank dependent, and at Rank one you can have the form of a dog or a sphere. the sphere comes naturally to you and each race has its own abilities, accent and walking style. Each race comes with a description, but note that if you learn a tigress, and are a male, you will change to be female.
To learn a form, go into the forest and type learn while in the room with said animal. Looking at the animal will tell you what Rank it is.
You can also type learn2 if you have a weak stomach and can't bare the thought of what the learn command does.
You can type FORMPATH if you are over rank 500 while you are in the forest on Mulrala to try and find a chosen animal.
You can type forget in a bioplasma chamber or the grove of the elders to forget an animal form you have previously learned.
If you go to the grove of the Elders, you can type "COMMUNE" to commune with the elders. After doing this, you can return to the Grove of Elders and type "MEDITATE" and if you're lucky, the elders will respond. Note, you may have to return more than once over a time period of several days to meditate before you get a response.
marmour/marmor : Mutariansi are able to use their bioplasma as a kind of natural armour. this is how you use it. Using this armour also has a slight chance of deflecting half of the blow back onto the person attacking.


Key rule points:
1. Any member of the Mutariansi race who is not acting as the race would will be reset after two warnings.
2. Any player using this race to harass people will be banned, immediately.
3. Inappropriate descriptions will result in a force reset.
Unless set out otherwise in the policies or in the above rules, a person can not be banned for incorrectly roleplaying a race. Nine times out of ten, the hosts will attempt to coach you onto the correct path.


Recommended help files: rphelp rules of roleplay,help mutariansi form.
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