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general help: tank combat

Tank combat is simple but elegant in design.
the system is made for groups numbering between two and six, depending on the tank in question.
Tanks are another way of interacting with the ground combat system of cosmic Rage, though not in a way that necessarily requires you to move about in a combat grid.
Before reading this file, make sure you are familiar with the concept of the combat grid.
In Cosmic Rage, tanks are made of two components:
1. the cockpit: this is where the driver moves the tank around and also rotates the turrets.
2. turrets: This is where the gunner fires from.
participants in tank combat can be either military officers or civilians, though military officers are the only people who can currently buy them.
Tanks always exist at the center of a room, 3, 3.
Turrets have two types of weapon, short and long range. The first thing to understand is turrets on their own have a limited firing range.
1. Short range weapons can fire one square northwest, one square north and one square northeast of their current facing position. So if a tank has rotated the turrets to face north, they will hit targets that are at (2, 4), (3, 4) and (4, 4).
2. Long range: For long range weapons there is an elevation factor. When the weapon is in the lowered position it acts like the short range weapon, but plus 1. so when facing north, the weapon can hit (2, 5), (3, 5) and (4, 5). When in elevated mode the turret can hit further. If the turret is elevated and facing north it can hit (1, 5), (3, 5) and (5, 5).
This may sound complicated, after all, how can you work out all these coordinates? the good news is, you don't have to!
When entering combat, the tank driver should activate the track command. this system does two things:
1. For the driver, it says how many targets are in short and long range in the currently faced direction.
2. For those in turrets it tells you how many targets are in short range and how and where the targets in long range are. For instance, if the turret was lowered it might say: Left 4, Right 5. this indicates 4 targets to the left and 5 to the right. There are three directions for the long range turret: left, ahead and right. You will only be told about targets you can hit. so if your turret is lowered you will only be told about targets in range. If all targets are out of range you will be told nothing.
Move around in the tank with the normal vehicle commands.
Track: Activate and deactivate the tracking system.
Rotate : Rotate the turrets left or right. If left you will go north, west, south, east. If right you will go north, east, south, west.
turret : Access the turret consoles. Type turret without arguments to see how many turrets your tank has. type turret enter to enter a turret. type turret status to view the status of the turret.
Short: fire the short range weapons.
Long : Fire the long range weapons in the appropriate direction.
repair: fix some damage on the turret.
Damage: check the damage of the turret.
raise: Elevate the long range weapon.
Lower: Lower the long range weapon.
Weapons: View a status report of the weapons.
exit: Exit the turret.
If turrets become completely destroyed you will need to take your tank back to the store and type repair .
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