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general help: stars

Stars are important things. They give light and heat to planets and, if you are an advanced pilot, they are a source of energy and valuable information. Some of the known sectors have stars, some don't. In those sectors that do, there are a few dangers that all pilots should be aware of when flying about in their ships.

The simplest of these dangers is the star's pull. Each star has a minimum coordinate, a maximum coordinate, and a center point. All ships possess the ability to scan stars in order to find these coordinates for a star in your sector. If you fly into the star's coordinate range, it will begin to pull you toward its center. How fast you are pulled depends on the star. The only way to escape the pull of a star is to fly away from its center faster than you are being pulled in. If you are in the center, the star's heat will eventually destroy your ship, though heat shields can slow the process. It is possible to become immune to the pull of stars, though not the other effects. See @donator-items for more information.

If an advanced pilot chooses to perform star studying activities on a star, such disturbances to the star's matter can lead to solar flares or storms. Continued draining of star matter can, if the star goes negative, cause it to flare on a regular basis for a few days until it balances itself again. This solar activity extends to 200 units beyond the star's minimum coordinates, and 100 units beyond it's maximum coordinates. Any ships or factories caught in this range will take damage.

To protect yourself from solar activity, it is best to place factories well beyond the effected range of a star, if there is one in the sector. For ships, having heat shields up to at least 50,000 can help protect you if you find you must venture close to an active star.
These announcements will alert you when star activity is on the rise in local sectors. To get a mapper patch, simply visit a communication store and use the patch command.
Recommended help files: shelp The Dangers of Star.
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