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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: speeding up your gameplay

We like things to run quickly on Cosmic Rage and we know that you do too.
We know that the less a player has to type, the happier he or she is.
So find below a list of commands that have been designed to speed up your gameplay.


get all: Get everything in a room
drop all: Drop everything you are holding
pill: take a pill to knock off some roundtime, see help roundtime
resist: attempt to resist being stunned, see help roundtime
wearall: wear all your clothing
undress: undress everything
Combine-all: combines any mineral sacks in your inventory into one larger sack.

info computer commands:
apps: access apps on your info computer including installed apps and app library to download more apps if needed.
calendar: Access the calendar.
Commercial: Access Commercial corner.
shop: jump to the shop section of your info computer
upgrades: jump to the upgrades menu
Food: Opens the food ordering option on your info computer
adverts: jump to the adverts section of your info computer
banking: jump directly to the banking menu
mail: jump directly to the mail menu
extras: Opens the extras section where you can find things such as the mining scanner.
laws: Opens the Laws area of your info computer
library: Opens the Library area of the info comp
market: buy or sell a resource. Make sure to be in your factory's storage room in order to sell a resource.
news: jump to the news menu
order: access the orders manager.
ownership: Access the ownership catalogue.
minecalc: Opens the mining calculator of your informational computer.
calculator: Opens the calculator function of your informational computer.
"recipes: Presents a list of available recipes
destinations: Opens the destinations manager where you can look up a destination's coordinates and more
spacestation: jump directly to the space stations menu of the info computer
stocks: jump to the stocks menu of the info computer
textedit: Go to the text editor menu of your info computer.
torch: access the torch of your info computer
tts: access the text-to-speech part of your info computer.
"Weather: Gives you the weather for a certain planet
xtts: Same as tts but just in case there is a conflict

In a ship's cargo bay:
open-all: Opens any cargo barrels on the ground in the cargo bay and scans all blueprints into your informational computer.
load-all: Loads all ammo boxes in your inventory into the ship's ammo storage.
insert-barrels: loads all barrels of liquid on the ground into the ship's water storage, the ship's cargo bay should have the water expantion upgrade for it to work.
process: transfers some water from the ship's cargo bay to the ship's water tanks.
fill-tank: does the same as the command above.

For groups.
group-control, or grc: take control of someone elses group
ease, jerk, or yank : ease a player to their feet.
lead : lead a player
disband: disband your group
disband : disband a specific player from your group.
battlestation: In a ship, will show you the nearest three unoccupied weapon rooms.
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