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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: ship auctions

Ship auctions are the newest out of the three auctions.
They came about after Chief General Maryanne sacked the entire Ship engineers Sales department.
Desperate for work and unable to manage on their own, they approached solar Blade industries, the rivals of Stargate productions and asked for help.
The ship building company was only too happy to, and they set up a ship auction on their station, Ship Building Facility Omega 8.
This auction is primarily used for the ship Sales Technicians to auction off ships but can also be used by the average pilot.
How it works:
*ship sales:
You submit your ship to be sold by the technicians.
They put it on the auction.
When it is sold, they take a fee and you get your profits.
*a pilot
you select for your ship to be sold on the auction through your info computer
When it is sold, the auction takes a fee and you get the profits.
How do I know which one to choose?
The auction house, and the sale techs, take different fees and they change each week.
choose wisely!
Note: there will be a small wait time with both options while the ship is checked for safety purposes.
Full list of commands:
Use your info computer to submit your ship to be sold, either through the ship sales tech team or through the auction.
the following commands work from the auction house on the space station:
list: See what ships are on the auction
explore: Enter and explore one of the ships up for sale
view: view the status or cargo hold information about a ship
bid: bid on a ship
Recommended help files: help the auctions,help long term auctions,help short term auction.
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