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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: repairing a vehicle

Repairs to a vehicle are simple, as they should be.
There are however one or two things to consider.
Vehicles come with components:
The hood, If this gets to maximum damage, the front of your vehicle will explode, causing a fire.
The doors, If these get to maximum damage your doors fall off and anyone or any thing can access your vehicle.
The driving system, If this goes down your vehicle can not move.
The battery system: If this goes down your vehicle powers off and can not power back on.
Structural instability: The high this number, the more damage your vehicle's structure has taken. If this rises to 100 percent your vehicle will just fall apart.
You can repair your vehicle with the repair command, for example: repair hood.
To repair structural instability, type repair main.
To repair anything else, type repair followed by the name of the component.
What happens if your component does become fully damaged?
This is where you may need a little help!
It is true, this can be done by yourself, but getting someone to help will make it faster!
You will need:
a trash truck,
an ammunition truck.
What to do:
1. Use your trash truck to create cubes. See the trash collecting help file.
2. Open the bay doors of your trash collector.
3. Drive your ammunition truck into the same room as your trash truck and load it with the cubes.
4. Create the required recycled component shapes of spheres, pyramids and cubes from the cubes.
5. Drive your ammunition truck to where your broken vehicle is, and fix it.
Ammunition trucks will repair a component from 100 percent to 50 percent. all other repairs must be handled by the damaged vehicle.
Table of components and their requirements;
The Hood: 8 cubes, 2 spheres and 4 pyramids.
the doors: 6 cubes, 8 spheres and 12 pyramids.
The driving system: 4 cubes, 15 spheres and 10 pyramids.
the battery system: 14 cubes, 4 spheres and 8 pyramids.
Repair main: Repair the structural instability.
repair : Repair a component.
repair stop: Stop a repair.
In an ammunition truck's cab:
load: Load cubes from a trash truck.
Fix: Fix a component in another vehicle.
Construct: Construct spheres or pyramids from cubes.
From a trash truck:
bay: Open and close the bay doors.
Recommended help files: ahelp trash collectin.
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