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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: ration packs

Ration packs may seem small and frankly, useless at first.
This is not the case.
First of all you can store ration packs in battle suits.
This means that if you get hungry during a fight, you don't have to leave and come back, you have some food close at hand!
Type store to store a ration pack in a battlesuit.
Type eat out of to eat some rations.
You can of course, just eat the rations as they are in the packet, with eat< rations>.
Another usage for ration packs is for free food in cafes.
If you take some ration packs to a ships cafe, and type slot , it will put the ration pack in the food processor and allow you to buy free food from that cafe until the packs run out!
Each cafe can hold 100 packs, and each purchase is a single pack.
Type list to see if the cafe has any packs in storage.
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