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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: quotes

If you've ever seen something happen in game that's just too funny, or two things somehow become interrelated, an example being someone says something on the OOC channel, and then someone else says something funny in the room and they somehow make sense together, this is something you could submit as a quote.
Here's some guidelines to follow for posting good quotes:
1. it should be funny
2. it should be somewhat random, not forced, and coincidental, as in good timing
3. it shouldn't contain spam, which includes a sequence of messages from the game with nothing else
4. it should be able to be understood by a majority, and the context should be able to be gleamed from reading it
The approval of a quote is at the hosts discretion, so please be understanding if every quote you send in doesn't get approved.

Typing quote on its own gives all the commands you can use. There is also lastquote, all one word, which will list out the very last one submitted.
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