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Welcome to: Cosmic rage!

By Nathan Tech!

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general help: quitting

This help file outlines the various methods of quitting, from the most serene log outs to those driven by cosmic joy or frustration.
To log out of the game, simply type @quit or sleep. If you wish to leave a message for your fellow players, you can add one. For example, typing sleep goodnight everyone will display the following to others:
Player is disconnecting: goodnight everyone.
For those moments when your joy reaches cosmic heights, you can use the joyquit command. This will disconnect you with a predefined message that expresses your happiness to the fullest. Joy, with a flourish!
Conversely, should things take a turn for the worse and you find yourself in a state of frustration, the ragequit command allows you to log out while making your displeasure known to all. However, please note that ragequit imposes a one-minute ban, giving you a moment to cool down from the situation.
In certain cases, you may feel the need for a complete restart, a fresh beginning. The reset command offers exactly that: a full character reset, enabling you to select a new race, name, description, and more, as if you were creating a character from scratch.
To discourage impulsive decisions, the reset process takes 12 hours to complete. You may cancel it at any time by logging back into the character within that period. Please be aware, however, that once a character is reset, it cannot be restored under any circumstances - no matter how compelling your arguments or how sorrowful your expression.
We would like to remind you that our motto is, "We care about you!" If you are experiencing difficulties with the game or another player, resetting your character may not be the most effective solution. Instead, we encourage you to submit a support ticket or file a harassment report if you feel mistreated or encounter issues during gameplay.
Recommended help files: help resettin.
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