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general help: private networks

We understand that sometimes, you want to talk about something but not many else on the ooc channel do.
This might be other muds, other games, football games, the world cup, cricket or other various topics.
To aid in player happiness, the private network gives a way for players to create their own OOC, that's out of character, channels to talk with their friends on.
there are some key rules for private networks, which we have listed below.
First the commands:
pn create: Create a channel. You may have one channel of your own by default, but can donate for more.
pn invite: Invite someone to your channel
pn respond: Respond to a channel invite.
pn boot: boot someone from your channel
pn on: turn on your private network
pn off: turn off your private network
pn leave: Leave your private network
pn disband: Disband your private network.
pn info: Get info on private networks in general.
pn channel alias who: Tells you who is in the channel and lets you see who is actually listening to it. e.g pn bd who. You can also type who all to see everyone, not just those who are online.
pn filter or pn unfilter : filters and unfilters a specific channel.
pn rename: Rename a PN you are the owner of.
Typing pn followed by either a channels name, or a channel's alias, can then be followed by either history, or a message.
Example 1:
pn test123 hi all.
Would send a message of "hi all" on channel test123.
pn test123 history.
Would look at the history for channel test123.
Rules for private networks:
the private networks are monitored by the staff of the game in a discrete way. We are not going to lie to you about things like that and are open about what we do, and what we do not, monitor.
It is up to the channel administrator to police their own channels and determine whether they would like to allow for age limits and maturity to be in place or not.
Harassment policies and general game rules still apply on the network.
The private networks are ooc, that's out of character. You may not discuss anything about the IC world on in private networks.
The hosts maintain the right to close any channel that repeatedly violates any of these rules, providing fair warning was given to the people on it.
The hosts will never react to, respond to, or disclose, information they may see or pick up or infer from monitoring PN's.
you may talk in any language you choose on a private network.
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