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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: polls

here on Cosmic Rage, we really do care about what you think. We have several methods for getting the down low about what players have to say, and one of these is our powerful Polls system. When the hosts put up a poll for discussion, you will see a notification if you're logged in. If you aren't, fear not! Any poll you have not yet voted on will bug you whenever you log in.
If you are voting on an options poll, you will be given the option to submit a comment alongside your choice. Free answer polls are exactly what they sound like
you must enter something since there aren't actually any options to vote on. you get one shot to give us your thoughts, so don't waste it! You may only vote once.
We want to hear your thoughts and opinions, so feel free to avail yourself of our polls every time they come along. Only the hosts will see your votes,, so you do not need to worry about other players seeing your results.
Type '@polls' to interact with the system, and remember to always keep raging on.
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