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By Nathan Tech!

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general help: player customizeable options

player customizable options
I'll divide these by categories as they appear in the options menu.
To access this menu, type options.
2 display and Appearance
See resources in room descriptions. This toggles if you see things like metal panels and other resources when looking at a rooms description if any are present.
censor in character chatter. This is your profanity filter that if on will filter profanity from in character chatter.
Looking toggle. This toggles if you get notified when people look at you.
Alternate can't go messages. This toggles if you get the standard "You can't go that way" message or if you get some kind of humorous message when you try to go through an exit that isn't there.
Name display options. This allows you to see people's full name, or their first name followed by the first letter of their last name. If you choose option 2 people who have a a* in front of their name are important.
Rank hints. This allows you to see hints pertaining to your ships and things you might want to look in to for every rank you advance.
Round time notification toggle allows you to receive a message or not when your roundtime is up.
toggle seeing ships and vehicles in groups. This will group ships and vehicles together to reduce spam.
Alternate huh messages This is the same as alternate can't go messages, if this is on you will see humorous messages when you type in a command the game does not recognize and when you have it off, you will just get "I don't understand that"
Toggle communication link displays will allow you to either see a list of all players you have a link with when you check your links or just the players who are logged in.
Change the inventory list format. This allows you to customize how your inventory is displayed when you type i
Ground view toggle allows you to adjust whether or not you see what people are wielding and riding when you walk in to the room with them.
Filter porn references will try to filter out porn references from player chatter.
note filtering allows you to see or filter out the notifications that get sent to your character.
Set how you view changes. This allows you to view changes in either short or verbose format when you type .
Recommended help file format. This toggle allows you to adjust if you want to be presented with a menu of related help files after reading a help file or if you just want the related help files listed in a line at the bottom.
Hear quote database changes. This allows you to view the daily quote when it changes.
Exits viewed in room titles. This options will allow you to see the short form of exits in room titles, example. "Mission central n, e, se, s, u, d"
Prompt options allows you to adjust the punctuation around prompts.
Seeing how many words your emote was. It kind of explains itself, but it allows you to see how long or short your emote was.
3 privacy options
Personal information settings This allows you to choose if people can see your rank, amount of cash, and profile when they look you up.
Toggle if you receive communications while afk. This is the option that allows you to set if people can contact you or not while your afk.
Afk timer. Here you can set if the game will automatically set you as afk after a certain period of time with no input.
Personal information shown in the whois command. This allows you to enter your personal info so people can look you up for out of character.
Set a deletion password to secure your character. This allows you to set a password which you will have to type in if you ever want to delete your character.
Ooc link acceptance options. This allows you to set if you will automatically accept ooc link requests, be prompted for them, or automatically deny them.
4 Channels and prompts
Shop prompt. Do you want a confirmation prompt before you buy something?
landing prompt. Do you want a prompt for when you land on a planet or dock to a station.
hear announcement of market messages. Do you want to hear when someone puts something up on the market and when people buy stuff?
Toggle newbie tips. Do you want to see newbie tips?
Toggle log on and log off notifications. Allows you to see when people on your friends list log in or out or not, what ever the case may be.
Communications options. Allows you to choose how in character link requests are handled
Hearing of game saved messages. Allows you to decide if you want to hear game saved messages or not.
Hearing of arena notifications. Determines if you hear notifications relating to the player verses player arena.
Confirmation of transfer. Do you want to see a confirmation prompt when you transfer.
Hearing of skill timer reset. Will give you a message when your skill timers reset and you are ready to train another skill.
Hearing of patrol movement. Allows you to filter out the messages you see when patrols move around.
Hearing of hunger and thirst notifications. Filters out or not those pesky hunger and thirst notifications. Warning if you turn this off and you don't eat or drink for a while, you'll still die.
Hear random events. Opt in to seeing or not the messages sent by the hosts as well as food and drink. Usually for comeedic reasons.
Toggle what changes you would like to see. Allows you to adjust which changes you are notified of.
Factory market information. Allows you to see when someone puts a factory up for sale.
Reminder options. Allows you to adjust if you are reminded or not to vote for cosmic rage on TMC.
Hear help file updates or additions. Allows you to hear when help files are updated or changed.
Lunch reminder. Will give you a reminder when it's lunch time.
Receive daily factory tax notifications. Allows you to see when and how much you are taxed per day for your factory.
Hearing temperature announcements. Allows you to filter out or not the messages you get that tell you what the temperature is like in the room you are currently in.
Hear gripes. Allows you to filter if you see gripes or not.
Daily quote filter, allows you to filter out the daily quote
Vehicle storage prompt. Allows you to filter out or not the prompt when you are putting a vehicle in to storage.
5 misc options
Keep alive settings. Allows you to adjust if the game sends you messages in order to keep you connected to the game. This is usually useful for computers with higher security which will cut your connection to the mud if you idol for a long enough time.
Autostand. Adjust if you automatically stand up when you try to move or not.
Temperature scale. Allows you to adjust what scale you see the temperature in.
Time display options. Allows you to customize how you see the time.
And that does it for all the options you can customize by typing options. thanks for sticking with me all the way to the end. If you have any questions or are confused about anything here, feel free to inquire on the newbie channel where someone will no doubt be happy to help you.
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